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Remarks by Thomas C. Melzer
President, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Before the
Institute of Banking and Financial Markets
Washington University
October 9, 1986


Thank you for the opportunity to initiate this academic year's
financial executive speaker's series. It is always a pleasure to share
ideas in a university setting.

Today, I would like to focus on a pressing dilemma currently facing
monetary policymakers in the U.S.

The general acceptance of the notion

that "money matters" has been a mixed blessing.

On the one hand, changes

in the money stock are now commonly considered to have significant effects
on aggregate demand.

Hence, monetary policy has become an important

component of macroeconomic stabilization policy.

On the other hand, the

demands on monetary policymakers to "do something" can easily get out of

That is, monetary policy can be expected to attempt tasks that it

cannot hope to accomplish.

Specifically, policymakers are frequently asked to increase certain
real variables such as real output (income) or employment, and to decrease
others, for example, the real interest rate. While changes in the rate
of money growth can influence real variables, this impact lasts but a
short time; it is strictly ephemeral.

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Now, there is nothing wrong per se with trying to do "well" in the
short run.

The dilemma for policymakers is that focusing on short-run

temporary solutions misdirects monetary policy from addressing problems
for which it can provide lasting solutions and may even create other
problems in the long run.

Let us consider the most visible example of this dilemma facing
monetary policymakers today.

The "overvalued" dollar and the resulting

rising U.S. trade and current account deficits over the past few years
are widely believed to be jeopardizing the present expansion.


the Plaza Agreement of the G-5 just about a year ago labelled the external
imbalances among the major industrial countries as destabilizing.


concern has generated calls for further depreciation of the dollar
engineered, in part, by the Fed following an easier monetary policy to
drive down U.S. interest rates.

Now, not only will this action fail to

heal our trade wounds in the long run, it may not even do much good in
the short run.

To see why this is so, despite public clamor for monetary

easing, a brief, and I hope painless, discussion of the causes of trade
imbalances is required.

What y s Behind the U.S. Trade Deficit?

Our trade deficit (or to be more accurate, our current account
deficit) can be viewed in two different ways.

First, it indicates that

we are spending more abroad than we are earning from sales abroad.


second way to look at the deficit is to consider its mirror image, our
capital account surplus which indicates a net inflow of foreign capital

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into the United States. Traditionally, the capital account has been
viewed as passively adjusting to finance current account deficits or

Consequently, attention has been focused primarily on the

relative demands for or supplies of goods and services across countries
as major determinants of the current account balance. As capital markets
have become increasingly integrated, however, investors' efforts to earn
the highest available risk-adjusted return have reversed the presumed
"cause and effect" between current account and capital account movements.
The current account can now be thought of as passively adjusting to
reflect the net capital flows. This adjustment occurs primarily through
exchange rate movements; however, it also results in changes in relative
prices and income levels across countries.

The extent to which capital flows dominate trade flows is exemplified by a recent survey conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
the Bank of England, and the Bank of Japan.

This survey indicates that

in any two weeks, foreign exchange transactions in London, Tokyo and New
York equal the annual value of world trade in goods and services.

If, then, we view the current account balance as simply mirroring
an independently-determined capital account balance, the primary forces
behind our current account deficit must be those that influence domestic
saving and investment. Why?

Because foreign capital flows into the

United States when domestic investment exceeds the sum of private domestic
saving and total government saving.
the current account be in deficit.

Only under these circumstances will

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This particular framework of analysis forces us to address directly
the role of the federal government deficit in the trade problem.
government deficit indicates negative government saving.


But a govern-

ment deficit is neither necessary nor sufficient to produce a current
account deficit. Norway and Denmark are currently running current account
deficits while having government budget surpluses. Alternatively,
numerous industrial countries, including Japan, Germany, the United
Kingdom, the Netherlands and France have current account surpluses and
government budget deficits.

In these countries, domestic investment is

too low to induce an inflow of foreign capital even with their governments
absorbing domestic saving.

Does this mean that the persistent federal government deficit in
the United States over the past four or five years has not adversely
affected the U.S. current account balance?

Not at allI

The current

account deficit rose from a relatively neglible $9 billion in 1982 to
$118 billion (or nearly 3 percent of GNP) in 1985; it is running at a
$137 billion annual rate during the first half of 1986. What happened?
First, the current U.S. economic expansion began at the end of 1982.
Rapid growth of private domestic investment has been a key force behind
the expansion, contributing twice as much to U.S. real GNP growth as
compared with the average postwar expansion. Rapid growth in investment,
accompanied by high prospective real rates of return on investment,
attracted foreign capital into the United States.

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Furthermore, this investment-led expansion generated much faster
growth in U.S domestic demand vis-a^vis its trading partners.


1982-85, U.S. domestic demand growth has been three times larger than
that in Western Europe and 75 percent larger than that in Japan.


marked increase in U.S. investment growth and in the growth of U.S.
domestic demand have played major roles in creating our capital account
surplus and current account deficit.

As an aside, while U.S. domestic demand has slowed markedly during
the past 18 months, in real terms it was only slightly less than that in
the rest of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) last year.

U.S. demand for imports, unfortunately, is more

responsive to changes in income than is foreign demand for U.S. exports.
In more technical terms, the U.S. income elasticity of demand for imports
is larger than the foreign income elasticity of demand for U.S. exports.
Consequently, other things the same, our trade balance worsens when we
grow as fast as our trading partners.

For income effects to make a

positive contribution to resolving the U.S. trade deficit, real growth
abroad must exceed by some considerable margin that in the United States.
And, according to recent forecasts, real domestic demand is expected to
grow about as fast in the United States as in the rest of the OECD this
year and next.

Second, the federal government deficit has not followed its typical
cyclical pattern.

In 1982, the federal deficit was absolutely large, but

relative to GNP it was about as large as in 1975.
marked the troughs of recessions.

Both these years

In the past, federal deficits usually

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fell as the economy expanded.

During the current expansion, however,

this counter-cyclical movement has not occurred.

In fact, for the first

half of this year, the federal deficit was 5.3 percent of GNP, totally
unprecedented for this stage of the business cycle.

With the strong rise

in domestic investment and the huge federal deficit, it is not surprising
that U.S. private saving alone has been insufficient to satisfy the
domestic demand for credit.

We have had to tap the savings of the rest

of the world.

A third factor has been the debt-servicing problems of the developing countries.

These problems arose in 1982 and resulted in major

reductions in the flow of savings and credit to these countries from
industrial nations.

By 1985, bank loans to developing countries from

industrial nations were only 20 percent of their level in 1981.


debt problem made the U.S. economy a "safe haven" for foreign savings.
The funds previously channelled to LDCs were redirected into the U.S.
capital market.

In 1982, U.S. banks lent $111 billion abroad; in 1985,

they lent only $0.7 billion abroad.

Increased preference for dollar-

denominated assets by U.S. banks as well as foreigners showed up as an
increased net inflow of foreign capital.

This placed additional upward

pressure on the foreign exchange value of the dollar and caused further
deterioration of the U.S. current account balance.

To summarize, the U.S. current account deficit over the past four
years is primarily the result of robust U.S. investment growth (reinforced by persistent federal deficits), high real returns to foreign
investors, and the relative security of dollar-denominated assets.


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factors collectively have forced up the value of the dollar, contributed
to faster demand growth in the U.S. than abroad, and boosted U.S. demand
for imports.

What's a Monetary Policymaker To Do?

The dilemma facing the monetary policymaker should now begin to
become more clear.

The trade deficit is a real phenomenon; that is, it

is determined by real variables —
rates, real exchange rates.

real output growth, real interest

For monetary policy to have a lasting impact

on the trade balance, it must be able to have a lasting impact on these
real variables.
money supply —
exerts control —

Unfortunately, changes in the rate of growth of the
the only variable over which the monetary policymaker
have no long-run impact on real output, real interest

rates, or real exchange rates.

This ineffectiveness property is often

called the "neutrality of money."

The money supply is a nominal variable

and, hence, has long-run impacts only on other nominal variables, such as
nominal income, nominal interest rates, or nominal exchange rates.

In the short run, however, money growth is not neutral and changes
in money growth can affect real variables.

This brings us back to the

proposition made by some people that the Fed should cut the discount
rate, thereby seeking to drive down U.S. interest rates and lower the
foreign exchange value of the dollar.

Associated with this policy action

would be an increase in the rate of U.S. money growth relative to that in
other countries.

In the short run, the increased flow of dollars will

push the nominal exchange rate down.

In the longer run, rapid money

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growth in the United States will ultimately produce more rapid inflation
in the United States relative to the rest of the world.

But the ensuing

inflation develops with a lag, whereas the impact on the nominal exchange
rate occurs immediately.

Thus, in the short run, the real exchange rate

(i.e., the nominal rate adjusted for price level differences across
countries) also falls.

Ultimately, however, domestic prices eventually rise and so does
the real exchange rate.

Thus, in the long run, the nominal exchange rate

will depreciate only enough to offset the higher rate of U.S. inflation
relative to that in the rest of the world; the real exchange rate will
remain unchanged.

On net, then, the monetary stimulus has had no lasting

beneficial effect on the real exchange rate; it has, however, a nasty
impact on the U.S. economy —

increased domestic inflation.


arguments can be made about the short-run vs. the long-run relation
between changes in the rate of money growth and both real output growth
and real interest rates.

There may also be other short-run effects of such a policy action
that tend to offset any beneficial impact of temporarily lower real
exchange rates. For example, the easier monetary policy intended
to result in a lower foreign exchange value of the dollar might simultaneously lead to stronger real growth of domestic demand.

In view of

the relatively strong income elasticity of U.S. imports cited earlier,
the trade deficit problem might in fact be exacerbated.

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Finally, there is an issue of stability, or perhaps I should say
potential instability, associated with the large current account and
capital account balances.

Markets, both for foreign exchange and for

U.S. government securities, tend to react very quickly to expectational
shifts, particularly those arising out of monetary policy actions.
Accordingly, a policy action perceived to carry with it a significant
risk of future inflation could cause an immediate and abrupt adjustment
in nominal market prices.

This, in turn, could disrupt the pattern of

international capital flows on which we have become so dependent to meet
our savings gap and have very negative consequences for real economic
activity in the short run.

To summarize briefly, our trade deficit is not a problem which can
be addressed effectively by monetary policy actions.

The trade deficit

is a problem created by real changes that reflect domestic savings/
investment imbalances worldwide; monetary policy actions have no lasting
effects on these real influences whatsoever.

Directing monetary policy

at futile attempts to resolve the trade deficit, however, jeopardizes the
one objective that monetary policymakers can achieve —

maintaining price

If we are to achieve this, monetary policymakers will have to

withstand the public clamor for short-run policy band-aids that have no
chance at all of providing long-run cures to trade problems.