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At the Federal Reserve System’s Conference on Implementing an Advanced
Measurement Approach for Operational Risk, Boston, Massachusetts
May 19, 2005

Observations on Measuring and Managing Operational Risk under Basel II
Good morning and welcome to the Federal Reserve's conference--"Implementing an
Advanced Measurement Approach for Operational Risk." It gives me great pleasure to open
this conference. I would like to thank the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and Board staff
for organizing this important event and all the speakers for the time and effort they have
devoted to making this conference worthwhile. Indeed, judging from the impressive lineup
of speakers, this conference should be a highly useful forum for an exchange of ideas. I also
want to extend a special welcome to the international supervisors and bankers who are in
attendance. I know that some of you have spent the earlier part of this week sharing your
views about and experiences with the implementation of the Basel II operational risk
framework and working to achieve an appropriate level of consistency in implementation
across countries.
Our hope is that this conference will broaden and deepen the understanding within the
banking and regulatory community of operational-risk measurement techniques, both
quantitative and qualitative, particularly as they relate to the development of the advanced
measurement approaches, or AMA. I think you have an interesting two days ahead of you,
with an opportunity to hear the current state of implementation from banks and regulators.
Specifically, this morning you will hear supervisors describe the range of practices they
observed during the "interagency AMA benchmarking exercise" conducted last year at
institutions that will likely be required to adopt Basel II. They will also summarize the results
of the operational-risk-loss data-collection exercise and Fourth Quantitative Impact
Study--known as QIS4. This afternoon you will hear from academics and practitioners who
are experts in measuring operational risk, and tomorrow you will hear from financial
institutions who will share their practical experiences in designing and implementing
operational-risk measurement systems and then from regulators on the outstanding policy
Today, I would like to address some of the practical aspects of implementing Basel II in the
United States, including some observations on progress being made in the management and
measurement of operational risk as well as some observations on the challenges associated
with implementing an AMA.
Implementation of Basel II in the United States
The agencies' reaction to the results of QIS4 shows how seriously we are taking Basel II
implementation. As you probably know, the agencies issued a statement on April 29
indicating that results from QIS4 were more widely dispersed and showed a larger overall
drop in capital than we had expected. This was the impetus for deciding to delay issuance of
our next round of proposals for Basel II. These unexpected results show the continued
benefit of conducting periodic quantitative impact studies. They serve as a milestone to help

us calibrate the progress of the framework and the bankers as we move to Basel II. We now
must determine the reasons for the unexpected results from QIS4. Do they reflect actual
differences in risk among respondents when prior supervisory information suggested more
similarity in credit quality? None of the participating banks has completed their databases
and models for all of their risk areas. In some cases, this created results that would not be
reliable for implementing Basel II. For example, for some portfolios, expected losses
reflected only the last year or two of results. Thus, the strong credit performance of recent
experience was not balanced by higher losses at other points of the credit cycle. Were there
limits of the QIS4 exercise itself? Is there a possible need for adjustments to the Basel
framework? Analyzing the data used in QIS4 is vitally important, because ultimately the
success of Basel II will depend on the quantity and quality of data that banks have to use as
inputs to the framework.
U.S. regulators expect to provide additional information on the lessons we learn from the
QIS4 review in the near future. The notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR) for Basel II will
incorporate what we learn from this exercise. But we really are caught in a process dilemma.
Bankers cannot complete their models and collect the necessary data until they know what
the specific requirements will be. Regulators, on the other hand, will have to develop these
requirements before seeing the actual results of these models and robust databases. Given
what a vast undertaking Basel II is, this seems entirely appropriate and beneficial.
In addition to what we learn from the work on QIS4 results, we will also assess the trading
and banking book comments of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the
International Organization of Securities Commissions. We will incorporate the latest
proposal into the notice of proposed rulemaking and hope to complete our efforts in a timely
In addition, under our current plans, we also will be delaying issuance of an advance notice
of proposed rulemaking to revise current capital rules for non-Basel II banks. U.S. banking
regulators have long recognized that the existing capital rules need to be updated. These
modifications are needed to reflect changing products and risk exposures and also to address
potential competitive impacts from Basel II. We plan to issue these proposals for public
comment concurrently with, or soon after, the NPR on Basel II to allow the banking
community to comment on a combined package.
I will now turn to some observations about operational risk.
Observations Related to Implementing an AMA
As you may know, I have spent much of my career in the field of risk management, and of
course the Federal Reserve has a keen interest in this topic. For those of us who have spent
more than a few years in the business, it is easy to see the recent progress in the quantitative
aspects of risk management brought about by improved databases and technological
advances. Indeed, the development of techniques for the measurement and management of
operational risk is very dynamic, with much progress being made relatively recently.
Evidence of this dynamic development process can be seen in the results of an interagency
AMA benchmarking exercise conducted last year, as well as the results of the operationalrisk-loss data-collection exercise and QIS4.
In fact, one very encouraging sign of progress in measuring operational risk is the broad
participation we saw in the loss data-collection exercise and on the operational-risk portions
of QIS4. As you will hear in more detail later this morning, twenty-seven institutions
participated in these exercises; and it appears that, based on our preliminary analysis of the

submissions, significant progress has been made in the collection of operational-risk data and
the quantification of operational risk. A review of the loss data submitted by you and your
colleagues shows a substantial increase in the number of institutions collecting
operational-risk data over the past five years. In addition, the QIS4 responses suggest that
although significant quantification challenges remain, many institutions are developing
sophisticated approaches for measuring their operational-risk exposure.
It has often been argued that measuring operational risk is much more difficult than
measuring market or credit risk. The lack of a consistent definition of operational risk (until
recently); the central role of the internal control environment; the relatively short time span
of historical loss data; and the important role of infrequent, but very large, loss events are
just some of the challenges that operational-risk measurement systems have had to confront.
Coming up with credible ways of capturing the tail of the loss distribution and, just as
important, of verifying that it has been captured in a reasonably accurate and consistent
way, have presented interesting challenges to those developing operational-risk
measurement frameworks.
But, in a very real sense, these challenges have become the true strengths of the
operational-risk measurement discipline. As will be very evident from the presentations over
the next two days, tremendous creativity and insight have been brought to bear on the issue
of operational-risk measurement. To address the difficulties presented by the very nature of
the risk, the designers of operational-risk measurement frameworks have had to be more
innovative, take bigger steps into new territory, and be more willing to step away from
traditional--and comfortably familiar--techniques than their counterparts in the market- and
credit-risk arenas.
Designers of operational-risk measurement systems have had to do some really fundamental
thinking about the goals of risk measurement and about the tools used to achieve those
goals. As a result, we have seen innovation in the use of "soft" data derived from scenario
analysis, risk self-assessments, and the judgment of senior business managers. We have seen
creativity in the melding of internal and external loss data to guide thinking about internal
loss exposures. Perhaps most significantly, we have seen some truly innovative thinking
about ways to integrate operational-risk measurement into the broader framework of
operational-risk management.
I commend you on all that you have accomplished to date, but substantial work remains to
be accomplished before Basel II can "go live." I strongly encourage both bankers and
supervisors to continue their efforts to support the evolution of operational-risk
measurement and management practices. One of the major challenges bankers face in
implementing an AMA is creating a credible database of internal loss-event data on which to
base the AMA capital charge. Another, and no less important, challenge is ensuring that
operational-risk measurement and management systems are integrated into the day-to-day
decisionmaking processes of your institution.
The focus on enhanced risk management in Basel II means that banks should not view Basel
II preparations with a checklist mentality. Rather, they should be moving ahead on many
fronts, looking at how to make the fundamental changes needed for better risk identification,
measurement, management, and control. By doing so, banks can position themselves to
succeed in implementing an operational risk-management and -measurement system on a
timely basis.

We do, however, recognize that a certain time constraint exists for institutions wishing to
implement the new framework. On the one hand, banks are encouraged to start preparations
as soon as possible; on the other hand, we leave open the possibility that elements of the
framework are subject to change. This is not a trivial matter. As a former banker, I
sympathize with the challenges you face in deciding on investments and upgrades to your
systems and personnel. When it comes to Basel II, we recognize that certain details relating
to systems and processes will depend on what the final U.S. rule and guidance contain.
Accordingly, your primary supervisor is available to discuss your implementation efforts and
we want to hear specifics about which elements of the proposal, from your perspective, will
demand the greatest investments or appear to generate the greatest uncertainty. Using that
information, the agencies can then understand where to target resources to assist banks
during the transition to Basel II. We certainly hope that many upgrades made for Basel II are
those that would have been made anyway to strengthen enterprise-risk management.
An additional challenge that you face in implementing an AMA is that operational risk has
only relatively recently risen to management and regulatory attention--not because it was
previously unimportant, but because it has been so difficult to measure. As QIS4 has
demonstrated, we are still in the early stages of measuring this risk, and the challenges in
gathering the relevant data and developing the models are still great. The main reason for the
lack of data, as I am sure many of you know firsthand, is simply the fact that most banks
have only recently started systematically collecting operational-loss data.
While the importance of models and loss data in quantifying operational risk may be quite
apparent--at least to practitioners of the art--the importance of the qualitative aspects may
be less so. In practice, though, these qualitative aspects are no less important to the
successful operation of a business--as events continue to demonstrate. Some qualitative
factors, such as experience and judgment, affect what one does with model results. It is
important that we not let models make the decisions, that we keep in mind that they are just
tools, because in many cases it is management experience--aided by models to be sure--that
helps to limit losses. Some qualitative factors affect what the models and risk measures say,
including the parameters and modeling assumptions used and the choices that relate to the
characteristics of the underlying data and the historical period from which the data are
I think you will hear a common theme today and tomorrow: Value is added to the firm when
operational-risk measurement is integrated with the business-unit management processes. In
other words, the business-line staff should be in the process of developing the firm-wide
operational-risk measurement framework. While firms generally are developing
corporate-level operational-risk management functions and firm-wide policies and
procedures to bring greater consistency to how operational risk is measured throughout the
institution, business-line staff can add significant value to this effort through their
understanding of inherent risks and controls in their areas. And finally, the more businessline staff is involved in the development of the measurement framework and the more
transparent the framework is, the more credible will be the process of allocating the total
capital number back to the business lines--an effort in which many of the banks represented
here today are now engaged. To be meaningful, the quantification of operational risk must
be forward-looking. This means that a mechanical focus on historic loss data series will not
We must recognize the roles of qualitative factors and a well-reasoned assessment of what

we will call stress events or scenario analysis. In this regard, the burden is on management to
exercise judgment. Clearly, this judgment must include consideration not only of a soundness
standard but also of contingencies and actions taken to reduce the risks posed by those
contingencies. A self-assessment of the internal control structure and overall
risk-management process is crucial. Clearly, this is not a simple process if the results are to
be relevant to the specific risk profile of the firm. But based on the progress we have seen to
date in this area, I think you are up to the challenge and I encourage you to keep moving
Before I wrap up, I would like to say a few words directly to the potential "opt-in"
institutions. An institution that does not meet the mandatory criteria in the framework will be
under no obligation to adopt Basel II. Some potential opt-in institutions have complex and
varied operations and are developing enhanced enterprise-wide risk-management processes
and systems to strengthen their internal control environments. These institutions understand
that complex operations receive a more structured and well-defined risk-management
framework to monitor the effectiveness of internal control processes and risk exposures. For
these organizations, the incremental cost to opt into Basel II advanced approaches will be a
relatively moderate incremental cost.
For other financial institutions, with a simpler organizational structure and less-complex
processes and services, a less-sophisticated enterprise-wide risk-management and
-measurement is entirely appropriate. For these organizations, the incremental cost to
develop advanced Basel II systems can be substantial. These organizations may
appropriately choose not to adopt Basel II, especially at the earliest possible date. If they
choose to opt in, they may want to implement Basel II later when they can take advantage
of third-party models and databases to assist in the development of their systems at much
lower costs.
Also, I would like to quell any concerns that potential opt-in institutions may have about
being viewed as having inferior risk-management systems if they decide not to adopt Basel
II. It is important for you to know that, as supervisors, we will not look upon institutions that
decide not to adopt Basel II as having deficient risk-management systems simply because
they choose to stay under the Basel I capital framework. As supervisors, our focus will
continue to be on ensuring that risk-management processes are appropriate for operations of
each institution and that those risk systems operate effectively. Thus, we expect that
non-Basel II banks will continue to have CAMELS 1 and 2 ratings as they operate in a safe
and sound manner. As Basel II implementation continues, customers, credit rating agencies,
and analysts should also understand these fundamental concepts of effective risk
management and internal controls.
In my remarks today, I have encouraged you to continue your efforts to support the
evolution of operational-risk measurement and management practices. I want to end by
reminding all of you not to become so caught up in the latest technical developments that
you lose sight of the qualitative aspects of your responsibilities. Models alone do not
guarantee an effective risk-management process. You should encourage continuous
improvement in all aspects, including data integrity and internal controls, to name just a few.
For the risk managers at this conference, I hope the message you have heard is that you
should be actively engaged with managers throughout the organization, talking about the
merits of a consistent, sound enterprise-wide risk-management culture. In doing so, you can

help managers see that the risk-management process will allow them to better understand the
inherent risks of their activities so that they in turn can more effectively mitigate these risks
and achieve their profit goals in a safe and sound manner.
The agencies will continue to provide as much information as possible to help potential
opt-in institutions make their decisions. Our supervisory teams continue to stand ready to
discuss Basel II issues with all institutions and answer any questions that arise.

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