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For release on delivery
10:30 a.m. EDT (9:30 a.m. CDT)
April 18, 2009

Monetary Policy in the Financial Crisis
Remarks by
Donald L. Kohn
Vice Chairman
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
at the
Conference in Honor of Dewey Daane
Financial Markets Research Center
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee
April 18, 2009

In response to the financial turmoil and economic weakness of the past 18 months, the
Federal Reserve has taken unprecedented steps in conducting monetary policy. Not only have
we reduced our target federal funds rate aggressively, essentially to zero, but we have also made
credit available to institutions and markets in which we had not previously intervened. To
varying degrees, similar actions have been taken by other central banks around the world. For
Dewey’s class each January, I have been describing my take on the framework for making
monetary policy. I thought a natural extension of that role and a way of honoring Dewey and his
abiding interest in policymaking would be to talk about how the crisis has and has not affected
that framework. Chairman Bernanke has done that already in several speeches, but participants
in this conference might find my perspective useful. In providing it, I will try to address some of
the questions people have raised about our policy actions.1
Although our actions have been unprecedented, the framework in which I have been
considering them remains, at its most fundamental level, the same as the one I have been
describing to Dewey’s classes over the years. Our objective is to promote maximum sustainable
employment and stable prices over time. These goals are enshrined in law, and they also make
sense in economic theory and practice. Central banks are uniquely suited to promoting price
stability, and they contribute to maximum employment and growth over time by eliminating the
uncertainties and distortions of high and unstable inflation. The goal of maximum employment
also is critical: A balance between aggregate demand and potential supply is needed to maintain
price stability; in addition, significant fluctuations in output impose costs on our economy, add to

See Ben S. Bernanke (2009), “The Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet,” speech delivered at the Federal Reserve
Bank of Richmond 2009 Credit Markets Symposium, Charlotte, N.C., April 3,; and Ben S. Bernanke (2009), “The Crisis and
the Policy Response,” speech delivered at the Stamp Lecture, London School of Economics, London, January 13,
The views presented here are my own and not necessarily those of other members of the Board of Governors or the
Federal Open Market Committee.

-2uncertainty, and impede planning and growth. Our monetary policy actions in the crisis have
been aimed at fostering both broad objectives.2
We achieve our objectives by influencing financial conditions--the cost and availability
of credit as well as asset prices. Changes in financial conditions, in turn, affect spending and
thus the balance between aggregate demand and potential supply. And how close we are to
maximum employment is a basic ongoing determinant of inflation, with slack reducing inflation
and overly high resource utilization increasing it. The other major determinant is inflation
expectations: If expectations are not anchored--if they vary in response to our actions or to
persistent gaps between actual and potential output--inflation itself will follow.
Historically, we’ve achieved needed adjustments in financial conditions by moving our
federal funds rate target, and we have done that by adjusting the supply of bank reserves through
open market operations in the government securities market. In well-functioning financial
markets, changes in actual and expected targets for the federal funds rate are arbitraged through
the financial system to affect the cost of credit and the price of assets. Many factors affect these
markets, and the relationship of our actions to financial conditions is very loose, but, on balance,
we have been able to use our control of the federal funds rate to make the adjustments to
financial conditions needed to foster our objectives for prices and employment.
From the time that the financial market turmoil emerged in force in August 2007,
however, we could see that the relationship of the federal funds rate to financial conditions, and
hence to spending, was especially disrupted, with any given federal funds rate implying much
tighter conditions than usual. Banks became quite uncertain about the losses they might have to
absorb on mortgages and other lending, about the losses their counterparties might also suffer,

My remarks will concentrate on actions aimed at broad sectors of the financial markets, not on those aimed at
stabilizing individual systemically important institutions, like The Bear Stearns Companies, Inc.; American
International Group, Inc., or AIG; and several bank holding companies.

-3and about the extent to which their liquidity was at risk from having to support off-balance-sheet
entities or from experiencing a withdrawal by their own lenders. This uncertainty made banks
much more cautious about extending credit to each other and to households and businesses. As
financial disruption continued and the economy weakened, lenders generally became much more
uncertain about the financial condition of borrowers, sparking a strong preference for safe and
liquid assets like Treasury bills. Trading liquidity in many markets dried up, the usual arbitrage
among markets broke down, and spreads widened--often by more than seemed justified by the
underlying deterioration in the economy and the ability of borrowers to repay. The tightening of
financial conditions, in turn, further restrained aggregate demand and economic activity. This
adverse feedback loop between financial conditions and the economy has been a prominent
feature of the recession.
The Federal Reserve took a two-pronged approach to countering the effects of financial
stringency on the economy: We used our conventional policy tools, and we initiated a range of
unconventional policy actions to support the extension of credit. In the first category, we cut the
federal funds rate target and did so aggressively after the economy began to weaken substantially
in late 2007. By December of last year, we had reduced the target to a range of 0 to 1/4 percent.
Lowering the federal funds rate helped offset a portion of the effects of financial disruption on
credit conditions for households and businesses. And policy easing should have helped the flow
of credit by reducing some of the concerns about the effects of a weaker economy on repayment
But reducing the federal funds rate has not seemed sufficient, and so we also have taken
actions to ease conditions in credit markets more directly--what Chairman Bernanke has referred
to as “credit easing.” In many respects, these actions have been extensions of our traditional

-4methods of operation, though they have taken us into new territory in which we have used the
tools in very new ways.
Beginning early in the turmoil, we eased the terms on which we lent to depository
institutions (our traditional borrowers) quite dramatically. We lowered the interest rate on
discount window loans, increased their maturity, and, to reduce the stigma of borrowing from the
window, auctioned credit. We cooperated with foreign central banks through currency swaps to
make dollar funding available to banks operating abroad. Later, for the first time since the
1930s, we extended credit to nondepository institutions, granting discount window access to
primary dealers when it became evident that constraints on their access to liquidity threatened
broader financial stability and economic activity. 3 Given the increasing reliance on securities
markets to intermediate credit in our financial system, these dealers had become more central to
maintaining the flow of credit from savers to borrowers. Last fall, when a run on money market
mutual funds was severely constricting their purchases of commercial paper, an important source
of credit to many businesses, we supported the funds, their customers, and their borrowers by
making credit available that allowed funds to meet heavy redemption requests and also provided
credit directly to borrowers in the commercial paper market.
Our objectives in these programs are consistent with central banks’ classic function as
lenders of last resort. We are encouraging the continued provision of private-sector funding to
intermediaries by assuring their creditors that sound intermediaries have a sure source of
liquidity to repay debts. When, despite this encouragement, private lenders have such a strong
preference for safety and liquidity that credit is not forthcoming, we lend, often at a penalty rate
relative to normally functioning markets; that lending is intended to prevent disorderly and


Primary dealers are broker-dealers that trade in U.S. government securities with the Federal Reserve Bank of New

-5disruptive failures and fire sales of illiquid assets, which would drive asset prices lower, intensify
the disruption of credit flows, and deepen the pullback in spending.
Most recently, in collaboration with the Treasury, we have begun supplying liquidity to
purchasers of securitized credit. Under this program, private investors absorb credit risk up to a
certain level, and the Treasury takes on the bulk of the credit risk above that level. The Federal
Reserve’s residual credit risk is designed to be quite small. The asset-backed securities market
that this program supports had become a key vehicle over the past couple of decades for
financing credit extended to households and businesses, but its functioning deteriorated rapidly
over the second half of last year, with issuance tailing off almost completely. The availability of
credit from the Federal Reserve and the insurance against severe downside risks from the
Treasury should buoy demand for securitized debt and thus help bolster the flow of credit to
households and businesses.
A shortage of funding has not been the only factor impeding the extension of credit.
Lenders have been concerned about counterparty risk and about conserving their own capital
against unforeseeable events. We can’t deal with those concerns through our lending because we
do not take appreciable credit risk. But confidence about access to funding has been a part of the
problem, as reflected in the evaporation of trading in term maturities in a wide range of
wholesale funding markets and the elevated spreads paid by even very safe borrowers. The
limited availability of credit to sound borrowers, even when secured by what had been seen as
good collateral, has been a source of instability and constraint on credit flows. Central banks can
address such a shortage because they can remain unaffected by panicky flights to liquidity and
safety. Their willingness to extend collateralized lending in size against a broad range of assets
can replace flows of private credit that are normally uncollateralized.

-6Another aspect of our efforts to affect financial conditions has been the extension of our
open market operations to large-scale purchases of agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS),
agency debt, and longer-term Treasury debt. We initially announced our intention to undertake
large-scale asset purchases last November, when the federal funds rate began to approach its zero
lower bound and we needed to begin applying stimulus through other channels as the economic
contraction deepened. These purchases are intended to reduce intermediate- and longer-term
interest rates on mortgages and other credit to households and businesses; those rates influence
decisions about investments in long-lived assets like houses, consumer durable goods, and
business capital. In ordinary circumstances, the typically quite modest volume of central bank
purchases and sales of such assets has only small and temporary effects on their yields.
However, the extremely large volume of purchases now underway does appear to have
substantially lowered yields. The decline in yields reflects "preferred habitat" behavior, meaning
that there is not perfect arbitrage between the yields on longer-term assets and current and
expected short-term interest rates. These preferences are likely to be especially strong in current
circumstances, so that long-term asset prices rise and yields fall as the Federal Reserve acquires a
significant portion of the outstanding stock of securities held by the public.
Against this general background, let me address some questions about our operations.
Have They Been Effective?
Yes, I believe they have helped ease financial conditions, though they can’t address all
the problems in financial markets. And the situation in financial markets and the economy
would have been far worse if the Federal Reserve hadn’t taken the actions we did in supplying
liquidity as well as lowering our federal funds rate target.

-7Clearly, sharp decreases in the federal funds rate target have shown up directly in other
short-term interest rates. Our commercial paper facilities helped stabilize money market mutual
funds and have steadied the commercial paper market and lowered rates for high-quality issuers.
And the announcements of our purchases of MBS and Treasury bonds have reduced mortgage
and other long-term interest rates appreciably--by some estimates as many as 100 basis points.
Our provision of liquidity to banks in the United States and, via currency swaps with
other central banks, abroad appears to have eased pressures in dollar funding markets, as
indicated by declines in spreads between the London interbank offered rate, or Libor, and the
overnight index swap rate. This easing has lowered rates for bank borrowers paying rates tied to
Libor and given banks better access to interbank liquidity to support lending and market making.
The extension of liquidity to primary dealers has been critical in providing stability when private
lenders have, from time to time, become reluctant to make even secured loans to these
counterparties. Our own sense, reinforced by many reports from market participants, is that our
willingness to extend credit to commercial and investment banks prevented far worse market
outcomes when flights to liquidity and safety intensified--say, around the time of the problems of
Bear Stearns and in the wake of multiple failures and near-failures of financial firms in the
second half of September. Private lenders have demanded that intermediaries be much less
leveraged. That development is healthy over the long run, but when the transition is compressed
by extreme risk aversion and market participants are forced to delever through fire sales, the
financial markets and economy suffer. Our liquidity facilities allow for a more gradual and
controlled process.

-8Are We Allocating Credit?
Our actions are aimed at increasing credit flows for the entire economy; we are not trying
to favor some sectors over others. However, an element of credit allocation is inherent in some
of our interventions. That element grows out of the very market characteristics that have
necessitated these interventions and have made such interventions effective. If markets were
highly liquid and investors and lenders were willing to take normal risks and arbitrage across
markets, financial conditions wouldn’t have tightened so much, intensifying the economic
downturn, and adjustments in the federal funds rate could well have sufficed to stabilize the
economy. As we have been forced to attack overly tight financial conditions by extending our
discount window facilities to new intermediaries and certain markets and to extend open market
operations to agency debt and MBS, we have recognized that the resulting effects can be uneven
across markets and lenders. This outcome is not a comfortable one for the central bank, and we
have taken steps to minimize the extent of any credit allocation. We try to limit our interventions
to broad market segments or classes of intermediaries, and we choose them based on judgments
that improved functioning will reduce systemic instability or have a material effect on credit
flows and the economy and that our actions have high odds of yielding improvements.
Are We Taking Credit Risks That Will End Up Being Paid for by the Taxpayer?
For the credit facilities that we make available to multiple firms, we are not taking
significant credit risk that might end up being absorbed by the taxpayer. For almost all the loans
made by the Federal Reserve, we look first to sound borrowers for repayment and then to
underlying collateral. Moreover, we lend less than the value of the collateral, with the size of the
“haircuts” depending on the riskiness of the collateral and on the availability of market prices for
the collateral. Some of our lending programs involve nonrecourse loans that look primarily to

-9the collateral rather than to the borrower for repayment in the event that the value of the
collateral falls below the amount loaned. In these circumstances, we insist on taking only the
very highest quality collateral, lend less than the face amount of the collateral, and typically have
other sources to absorb any losses that might nonetheless occur--for example, Treasury capital
for our lending against securitized loans.4
We have increased the amount of information that we publish about the collateral and
other steps we take to protect against credit losses. But, understandably, given the sharp increase
in loans to new institutions and markets, the public is naturally interested in our lending
practices, and we will be releasing even more information about what stands behind our loans in
coming weeks.
How Will We Gauge How Much to Do?
This is a difficult question without a ready answer, even under more normal
circumstances when we are focused on the federal funds rate, and it is an even harder judgment
when, as now, the federal funds rate is near zero and we are intervening in other ways to affect
financial conditions. We have some, albeit limited, ability to gauge the effects of large-scale
asset purchases on interest rates; the effects of liquidity facilities, like the Term Asset-Backed
Securities Loan Facility and other programs, are even more difficult to assess and predict. And
with markets disrupted and confidence depressed, the relationship between a particular
constellation of interest rates and asset prices and future spending and inflation is more uncertain
than usual. We will continue to analyze these relationships in light our experience and adjust our
forecast of the evolution of the economy under various policy alternatives, but we need to
recognize that those forecasts could change appreciably and be ready to adapt policy flexibly.

Loans or credit protection offered in association with government help to stabilize individual systemically
important institutions probably have higher credit risk than the more general liquidity facilities described in this talk.
But even in those cases, the Federal Reserve has taken steps to protect itself from credit losses.

- 10 That flexibility could entail doing more to ease credit if the economy proves resistant to the
monetary and fiscal stimulus now in train, or it could involve reversing actions to forestall
potential inflationary effects of past actions, as I will discuss in a moment.
In gauging the effects of market interventions in the current crisis, one approach is to
look to the size of increases in the quantity of reserves and money to judge whether sufficient
liquidity is being provided to forestall deflation and support a turnaround in growth--an approach
often known as quantitative easing. The linkages between reserves and money and between
either reserves or money and nominal spending are highly variable and not especially reliable
under normal circumstances. And the relationships among these variables become even more
tenuous when so many short-term interest rates are pinned near zero and monetary and some
nonmonetary assets are near-perfect substitutes. In our approach to policy, the amount of
reserves has been a result of our market interventions rather than a goal in itself. And, depending
on the circumstances, declines in reserves may indicate that markets are improving, not that
policy is effectively tightening or failing to lean against weaker demand. Still, we on the Federal
Open Market Committee (FOMC) recognize that high levels of Federal Reserve assets and
resulting reserves are likely to be essential to fostering recovery, and we have discussed whether
some explicit objectives for growth in the size of our balance sheet or for the quantity of the
monetary base or reserves would provide some assurance that policy is pointed in the right
Will These Policies Lead to a Future Surge in Inflation?
No, and the key to preventing inflation will be reversing the programs, reducing reserves,
and raising interest rates in a timely fashion. Our balance sheet has grown rapidly, the amount of
reserves has skyrocketed, and announced plans imply further huge increases in Federal Reserve

- 11 assets and bank reserves. Nonetheless, the size of our balance sheet will not preclude our raising
interest rates when that becomes appropriate for macroeconomic stability. Many of the liquidity
programs are authorized only while circumstances in the economy and financial markets are
“unusual and exigent,” and such programs will be terminated when conditions are no longer so
adverse. Those programs and others have been designed to be unattractive in normal market
conditions and will naturally wind down as markets improve.
However, our newly purchased Treasury securities and MBS will not mature or be repaid
for many years; the loans we are making to back the securitization market are for three years, and
their nonrecourse feature could leave us with assets thereafter. But we have a number of tools
we can use to absorb the resulting reserves and raise interest rates when the time comes. We can
sell the Treasury and agency debt either on an outright basis or temporarily through reverse
repurchase agreements, and we are developing the capability to do the same with MBS. We are
paying interest on excess reserves, which we can use to help provide a floor for the federal funds
rate, as it does for other central banks, even if declines in lending or open market operations are
not sufficient to bring reserves down to the desired level. Finally, we are working with the
Treasury to promote legislation that would further enhance our toolkit for absorbing reserves.
Our work on the framework for exiting these programs is one indication that we are
focused on maintaining price stability over time even as we concentrate for now on promoting
economic recovery. Another such indication is our increased emphasis on defining the price
stability goal more clearly. Already the FOMC has extended its forecast horizon to indicate
where the Governors and Reserve Bank presidents would like to see inflation coming to rest over
time. And we are continuing to discuss within the Committee whether an explicit numerical
objective for inflation would be beneficial. Under current circumstances, those benefits would

- 12 include underscoring our understanding that our legislative mandate for promoting price stability
encompasses both preventing inflation from falling too low in the near term and from rising too
far as the economy recovers.
Have We Compromised Our Independence?
No. Central banks all over the world and the legislatures that created them have
recognized that considerable independence from short-run political influences is essential for the
conduct of monetary policy that promotes economic growth and price stability. To be sure, in
the process of combating financial instability, we have needed to cooperate in unprecedented
ways with the Treasury. Our actions with the Treasury to support individual systemically
important institutions have sparked intense public and legislative interest. As Chairman
Bernanke has indicated, the absence of a regime for resolving systemically important nonbank
financial institutions has been a serious deficiency in the current crisis, one that the Congress
needs to remedy. Congress and the public, quite appropriately, want to know more about lending
programs that have greatly increased the scope and size of the Federal Reserve’s interventions in
financial markets, and we will give them that information. In addition, our country, like others,
is undertaking a broad examination of what changes are needed in our financial regulatory
system. This examination will consider the role of the Federal Reserve in the supervision and
regulation of financial institutions and the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a
systemic risk authority.
It is natural and appropriate for our unusual actions in combating financial instability and
recession to come under intense scrutiny. However, increased attention to, and occasional
criticism of, our activities should not lead to a fundamental change in our place within our
democracy. And I believe it will not; the essential role for an independent monetary policy

- 13 authority pursuing economic growth and price stability remains widely appreciated and the
Federal Reserve has played that role well over the years. The recent joint statement of the
Treasury and the Federal Reserve included an agreement to pursue further tools to control our
balance sheet, indicating the Administration’s recognition of the importance of our ability to
independently pursue our macroeconomic objectives.5
The Federal Reserve’s actions over the past 20 months have been consistent with the
principles of central banking that have been developed over the course of centuries. But the
greatly increased complexity of our financial institutions and markets, as well as the virulence of
the financial crisis in choking off the flow of credit through a broad range of channels, has meant
that in applying these principles, the Federal Reserve and other central banks have had to extend
their reach and adopt new measures to preserve financial stability and to counter the effects of
financial turmoil on the economy. In my view, these actions have been necessary, safe, and
effective and will not lead to adverse aftereffects. But they have raised a number of questions
that I have addressed today. I expect to be back here in 10 years to celebrate Dewey’s 100th
birthday, at which time you can hold me accountable for my answers.


Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and U.S. Department of the Treasury (2009), “The Role of the
Federal Reserve in Preserving Financial and Monetary Stability: Joint Statement by the Department of the Treasury
and the Federal Reserve,” joint press release, March 23,