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For release on delivery
8:30 a.m. EST
January 6, 2005

Crisis Management: The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable

Remarks by

Donald L. Kohn


Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

to the

Wharton/Sloan/Mercer Oliver Wyman Institute Conference
“Financial Risk Management in Practice”

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

January 6, 2005


In pursuing its policy objectives, a central bank must make decisions in the face
of uncertainty related to incomplete knowledge about the evolving condition of the
economy and the financial system as well as about the potential effects of its actions.
This uncertainty implies that the central bank must incorporate into its decisions the risks
and consequences of several alternative outcomes. That is, it needs to assess not only the
most likely outcome for a particular course of action but also the probability of the
unusual--the tail event. And it needs to weigh the welfare costs of the possible
occurrence of those tail events.
This risk-management approach has been articulated by Chairman Greenspan for
monetary policy, and it is equally applicable to a central bank’s decisions regarding crisis
management, the topic I will focus on today. Crises are themselves tail events, and the
policy response to them is focused on the possibility and cost should the outcome be
especially adverse.
As I am sure we will hear time and again today, knowledge--reliable
informa-tion--is essential to managing risks. In a financial crisis, however, information
inevitably will be highly imperfect. The very nature of a crisis means that the ratio of the
unknown and unknowable will be especially large relative to the known, and this, in turn,
can influence how policymakers judge risks, costs, and benefits.
Although the subject of my contribution to this panel is crisis management, I want
to emphasize at the outset that the far-preferable approach to financial stability is to
reduce the odds on such crises developing at all. To this end, central banks seek to foster
macroeconomic stability, encourage sound risk-taking practices by financial market
participants, enhance market discipline, and promote sound and efficient payment and


settlement systems. In this arena, an ounce of prevention is worth many pounds of cure.
Before going further, I should say that the views I will express today are my own and not
necessarily those of other members of the Board of Governors or its staff.
Costs, Benefits, and Policy Options
But even prevention has costs that must be weighed along with its benefits. No
financial system that is efficient and flexible is likely to be completely immune from
episodes of financial instability from time to time, and policymakers will be forced to
make judgments about the costs and benefits of alternative responses with very
incomplete information.
In a financial crisis, the potential cost of inaction or inadequate action is possible
disruption to the real economy, which would damp activity and put undesirable
downward pressure on prices. Such disruptions can come about because crises heighten
uncertainty about the financial status of counterparties and about the eventual prices of
assets. In an especially uncertain environment, lenders may become so cautious that
credit supplies are cut back more than would be justified by an objective assessment of
borrowers’ prospects; concerns about counterparty risk can impair the smooth
functioning of payment and settlement systems, interfering with a wide variety of
markets; asset prices can be driven well away from equilibrium values; and confidence
can be undermined. These types of tail events could depress economic activity for a time
and, if prolonged, could also adversely affect efficiency and productivity by impairing
the ability of financial markets to channel savings into the most productive investments.
Although policy action may be able to reduce the odds of adverse effects or
alleviate their impact, some policy responses to a crisis can themselves have important


costs that need to be balanced against their possible benefits. In short, intervening in the
market process can create moral hazard and weaken market discipline. If private parties
come to believe in the possibility of policy actions that will relieve them of some of the
costs of poor decisions or even just bad luck, their incentives to appropriately weigh risks
in the future will be reduced and discipline on managers watered down. Weaker market
discipline distorts resource allocation and can sow the seeds of a future crisis.
The possible real costs of policy actions implies that they should be taken only
after the determination that, in their absence, the risk is too high that the crisis will
disrupt the real economy. Once that judgment is reached, the central bank and other
authorities have a variety of instruments to use, and the degree of potential moral hazard
created will depend on the instrument chosen.
Approaches that work through the entire market rather than through individual
firms run a lower probability of distorting risk-taking. Thus, a first resort to staving off
adverse economic effects is to use open market operations to make sure aggregate
liquidity is adequate. Adequate liquidity has two aspects: First, we must meet any extra
demands for liquidity that might arise from a flight to safety; if they are not satisfied,
these extra demands will tighten financial markets at exactly the wrong moment. This
was an important consideration after the stock market crash of 1987, when demand for
liquid deposits raised reserve demand; and again after 9/11, when the destruction of
buildings and communication lines impeded the flow of credit and liquidity.
Second, we must determine whether the stance of monetary policy has to be
adjusted to counteract the effects on the economy of tighter credit supplies and other
consequences of financial instability. Policy adjustments also can help head off some of


those effects in that, by showing that the central bank recognizes the potential seriousness
of the situation, they bolster confidence. As a consequence, meetings of the Federal
Open Market Committee (FOMC)--often in conference calls if the situation is developing
rapidly--have been an element in almost every crisis response. Those meetings allow us
to gather and share information about the extent of financial instability and its effects on
markets and the economy as we also discuss the appropriate policy response.
Some critics have argued that the FOMC’s policy adjustments in response to
financial instability encourage undue risk-taking in the financial markets and the
economy. However, to the extent that the conduct of policy successfully cushions the
negative macroeconomic effects of financial instability, it genuinely lowers risk and that
fact should be reflected in the behavior of private agents. Other instruments to deal with
instability--discount window lending, moral suasion, actions to keep open or slowly wind
down ailing financial institutions--are much more likely than monetary policy
adjustments to have undesirable and distortionary effects on private behavior. By making
credit available to individual firms on terms more favorable than would be available in
the market, or by affording a measure of protection to existing creditors, these other
instruments carry substantial potential for moral hazard. Hence, they are and should be
used only after a finding that more generalized instruments, like open market operations,
are likely to be inadequate to stave off significant economic disruption.
If it is determined that actions to support the credit of specific firms are necessary,
such actions should be designed to minimize moral hazard. Sometimes moral suasion
will be sufficient--simply by calling attention to the potential consequences of
withholding payments or credit, private parties may be persuaded that avoiding such an


outcome is in their self-interest. But central banks must be careful that moral suasion is
not perceived as coercion or an implied promise of official indemnification for private
losses. If the central bank concludes that it must lend to individual depository institutions
to avoid significant economic disruption, in most situations any such loans should be on
terms sufficiently onerous to discourage reliance on public-sector credit.
The Federal Reserve tries to find the approach that reduces the odds on
economy-wide spillover effects while interfering as little as possible with the market and
allowing people and institutions to suffer the consequences of decisions that turn out to
be bad. Nearly every major bout of financial instability has called for some degree of
monetary easing--most often only temporarily until the threat of the low-probability but
high-cost economic disruption has passed. Other tools have been used occasionally, and
an assessment of their costs and benefits has depended on the nature of the crisis.
Moral suasion was an element in dealing with the panicky private-sector actions
associated with the sharp and apparently self-feeding market price breaks of 1987 and
1998. Lending through the discount window helped to promote an orderly unwinding of
distressed institutions in the period of prolonged and widespread problems among
important intermediaries in the late 1980s and early 1990s. And such lending was crucial
in getting liquidity to the right places after the disruption of 9/11. In each case, the
nature of the response has depended on the state of the economy and financial markets
before the event. When the economy is strong and financial systems robust, a shock to
the financial system is less likely to feed back on the economy.
Information Flows in a Crisis
Clearly, judgments in a crisis must balance a number of difficult considerations in


rapidly changing circumstances in which up-to-date, accurate, information is scarce.
Our experience suggests some of the key questions that might arise when
confronting a crisis: How large is the financial disruption--how many firms or market
participants are involved and how large are they? What is the potential for direct and
indirect contagion, both domestic and international? Who are the counterparties and
what is their exposure? Who else has similar exposures and might be vulnerable to
further changes in asset prices that could be triggered by a firm’s failure and unwinding
of positions? How long are the financial disruptions likely to last? Are substitute
providers of financial services available, and how easily and quickly can they be
employed? And, critically, what are the initial and expected states of the macroeconomic
and financial environments under various scenarios?
Coming to grips with these questions requires a considerable amount of detailed,
up-to-the-minute information--more than can be known ahead of time. Even in the best
of circumstances, much of the information on variables relevant to decisions about
whether or how to intervene will be unknown (especially if a crisis materializes quickly)
or unknowable. Published balance sheets and income statements--or old examination
reports--give only a starting place for analysis when asset prices and risk profiles are
changing rapidly and in ways that had not been anticipated. In addition, crises invariably
reveal previously unknown interdependencies among financial intermediaries and among
intermediaries and the ultimate suppliers and demanders of funds.
Central banks and others that might be involved in crisis management must take
steps to push back the frontiers of the “unknown” before a crisis hits and to develop
procedures for obtaining the “knowable” quickly when needed. More information is not


just a “nice to have.” Policymakers want to choose the path with the lowest moral hazard
consequences. But they are in a difficult position in a crisis. The costs of not acting
forcefully enough will be immediate and obvious--additional disruption to financial
markets and the economy. The costs of acting too forcefully--of interfering unnecessarily
in markets and creating moral hazard--manifest themselves only over a longer time and
may never be traceable to a particular policy choice. The natural tendency to take more
intrusive actions that minimize the risk of immediate disruptions is probably exacerbated
by ignorance and uncertainty; the less you know, the easier it is to imagine bad outcomes
and the more reliant you may be on people in the market whose self-interest inevitably
colors the information they are giving you.
Each episode of financial instability is different and teaches us something new
about what information is useful and who needs to call whom to share information. For
example, clearing mechanisms for futures and options were an issue in the 1987 crash;
capital impairment of depositories, its effect on lending, and the response of regulators
took center stage in the late 1980s and early 1990s; the importance of market liquidity
came to the fore in 1998 when even the prices of off-the-run Treasury securities took a
beating; and physical infrastructure issues dominated developments after the terrorist
attacks on 9/11.
Although a knowledge base is helpful, the answers to the questions I posed earlier
will depend critically on a free flow of new information. In a world of financial
institutions with a presence in many lines of business crossing national boundaries,
obtaining such information and developing cogent analysis requires widespread
cooperation among many agencies. The Federal Financial Institutions Examination


Council--in which all U.S. depository institution regulators participate--is a forum for
developing information and relationships within the regulatory community. The
President’s Working Group itself was a product of the 1987 stock market crash, which
revealed a need for better communication and coordination among all financial
regulators. In addition, we build bilateral relationships with foreign authorities through
participation in various international groups, such as the Basel Committee on Banking
Supervision, the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems, the Financial Stability
Forum, and so on. A number of the phone calls I made and received in the hours and
days after 9/11 were with people in other central banks with whom I had established
working relationships on monetary policy groups or in international preparations for
Y2K. But although agency-to-agency communication is important, it is in a sense only a
secondary source of information. The primary and best sources are the contacts we all
develop with major financial participants as we carry out our daily operations and
oversight responsibilities.
Whatever the origin of the crisis, the Federal Reserve has usually found itself near
the center of the efforts to assess and manage the risks. To be sure, we have some
authorities and powers that other agencies do not. But in addition, we bring a unique
perspective combining macro- and microeconomic elements that should help us assess
the likelihood of disruptions and weigh the consequences of various forms of
intervention. Because of our responsibility for price and economic stability, we have
expertise on the entire financial system and its interaction with the economy. Central
banks need to understand--to the limited extent anyone can--how markets work and how
they are likely to respond to a particular stimulus. Our role in operating and overseeing


payment systems gives us a window into a key possible avenue for contagion in a crisis.
At the Federal Reserve, our supervisory responsibilities provide us with knowledge of the
banking system and the expertise to interpret information we get from other agencies.
We have people at the Board and Reserve Banks who are expert in macroeconomics, in
banking, in payment and settlement systems, and in various financial markets, and all
have market contacts; our colleagues at the Federal Reserve have proven to be our best
source and filter of information in the midst of a crisis.
Despite our efforts, much will still be unknown and some things will be
unknowable as we make decisions in a crisis. Financial instability is by definition a tail
event, and it is the downside possibilities of that tail event that concern the authorities.
Market participants are reacting under stress, on incomplete and often false information,
in situations they have not faced before. Uncertainty--in the Knightian sense of
unquantifiable risk--is endemic in such situations. Uncertainty drives people to protect
themselves--to sell the asset whose price is already declining, to avoid the counterparty
whose financial strength might conceivably be impaired, to load their portfolios with safe
and liquid assets. Market mechanisms are tested in ways that cannot be modeled ahead
of time.
Contagion is always a key underlying issue in trying to assess the potential for
sustained disruption of the financial system and the economy. Contagion, in turn, is
partly a question of psychology--how will people react under conditions of stress? So,
too, is moral hazard--once the stressful situation passes, how will people adapt their
behavior as a consequence of any intervention? Thus, much of the most desirable
information is “unknowable” in any quantitative sense. The authorities must rely,


therefore, on judgment, based on experience and on as much information as can be
gathered under adverse circumstances.
The Changing Financial System and the Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable

The evolution of financial markets and institutions over recent years may well
have made the financial system more resilient and reduced the need for intervention. The
lowering of legal and regulatory barriers across financial services and geography, the
development of derivative markets, and the securitization of so much credit has enabled
intermediaries to diversify and manage risk better, reduced the number of specialized
lenders who would be vulnerable to sector- or area-specific shocks, and left borrowers far
less dependent on particular lenders and consequently the economy much less vulnerable
to problems at individual or even classes of institutions.
In the past few years, the financial markets have come through an extraordinarily
stressful period, but one that was not marked by the sort of financial-sector distress that
accompanied and intensified the economic problems in many previous such episodes. I
attribute that relatively good record, in no small part, to greater diversification of risk, to
the growing sophistication of risk management techniques being applied at more and
more institutions, and to stronger capital positions going into the period of stress.
This may be the typical experience in the future; one hopes so, and the regulators
are working in various ways to make it so--through the Basel II effort as one prominent
example. But, unfortunately, we cannot count on that outcome. Crises remain a threat,
and the increasing complexity of the financial system and of the laws governing it are
affecting how crises are likely to be managed. The greater variety and utilization of risk
transfers will put new demands on information flows to answer the questions I posed


earlier. The growing reach of major financial institutions across industry boundaries and
national borders is increasing the necessity for cooperation and coordination among
regulators here in the United States and around the world. At the same time, institutions
manage risk on an integrated basis and understanding and dealing with the effect of
financial instability and the feedback of their actions on markets and other institutions
will call for an integrated overview.
No institution can be “too big to fail.” Handling the failure of a large, complex
organization--imposing the costs of failure on management, shareholders, and uninsured
creditors while minimizing the effects on the wider economy--will certainly be
complicated. But we cannot allow the public interest in containing moral hazard to be
held hostage to complexity. Indeed, U.S. law requires that we do not. In dealing with the
failure of an insured depository institution, the authorities are required to use the method
that yields the least cost to the insurance fund unless they find that the least-cost method
entails systemic risk and that a more costly method would mitigate that risk. In setting
out a procedure to follow in such circumstances and holding authorities explicitly
accountable for their decisions against a reasonably clear set of objectives, the law puts a
premium on preparing for the type of analysis that will be needed. The Federal Reserve
is in continuing conversations with other agencies on approaches to these issues.
The growing complexity of institutions elevates the importance of avoiding crises,
rather than managing them. We must continue to adapt our supervision of financial

institutions and payment systems to encourage and reward good risk management and
enhance market discipline.