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10 00 a m EDT
July 12, 1990

Testimony by

Alan Greenspan

Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

before the

Committee on Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs

United States Senate

July 12, 1990

I am pleased to appear before this Committee to discuss reform
of the deposit insurance system and expanded activities for banking

Like each of you, my colleagues and I have spent

considerable time discussing and debating the issues

We are reminded

almost daily of the potential fur public cost of the deposit insurance
obligation, made so painfully apparent by the failures and difficulties
of so many thrift institutions

Similarly, both the Congress and the

Board repeatedly are reminded of the erosion of the competitiveness of
our banking system both domestically and internationally

The time has

come when these issues must be addressed
The hearings you are conductinq, Mr

Chairman, will establish a

record preliminary to the publication early next year of the FIRREAmandated Treasury study of the issues

The Board is participating in

this study and has conveyed to the Treasury the views expressed in this

By holding hearings at this early date, I hope that the

Congress will be able to focus on the needed legislation immediately
after the release of the Treasury study

Basic reforms are required

both of the safety net and of the range of activities permitted banking
The fundamental problems with deposit insurance that must be
addressed are clearly understood and are, I believe, subject to little
debate among those with drastically different prescriptions for reform
The safety net —

deposit insurance, as well as the discount window


has so lowered the risks perceived by depositors as to make them
relatively indifferent to the soundness of the depository recipients of


their funds, except in unusual circuinatances

With depositors

exercising insufficient discipline through the cost of deposits, the
incentive of some banks' owners to control risk-taking has been dulled.
Profits associated with risk-taking accrue to owners, while losses in
excess of bank capital that would otherwise fall on depositors are
absorbed by the FDIC
Weak depositor discipline and this moral hazard of deposit
insurance have two important implications

First, the implicit deposit

insurance subsidy has encouraged banks to enhance their profitability by
increasing their reliance on deposits rather than capital to fund their

In effect, the deposit insurance funds have been increasingly

substituted for private capital as the cushion between the asset
portfolios of insured institutions and their liabilities to depositors
A hundred years ago, the average equity-capital-to-asset ratio of U S
banks was almost 25 percent, approximate]y four times the current level
Much of the decline over the past century no doubt reflects the growing
efficiency of our financial system

But it is difficult to believe that

many of the banks operating over recent decades would have been able to
expand their assets so much, with so little additional investment by
their owners, were it not for the depositors' perception that, despite
the relatively small capital buffer, their risks were minimal
Regulatory efforts over the last 10 to 15 years have stabilized and
partially reversed the sharp decline in bank equity capital-asset

This has occurred despite the sizable write-off of loans and

the substantial build-up in loan-loss reserves in the last three years
or so

But the capital ratios of many banks are still too low


Second, government assurances of the liquidity and availability
of deposits have enabled some banks with declining capital ratios to
fund a riskier asset portfolio at a lower cost and on a much larger
scale, with governmental regulations and supervision, rather than market
processes, the major constraint on risk-taking

As a result, more

resources have been allocated to finance risky projects than would have
been dictated by economic efficiency
In brief, the subsidy implicit in our current deposit insurance
system has stimulated the growth of banks and thrifts.

In the process

the safety net has distorted market signals to depositors and bankers
about the economics of the underlying transactions

This has led

depositors to be less cautious in choosing among institutions and has
induced some owners and their managers to take excessive risk

In turn,

the expanded lending to risky ventures has required increased effort and
resources by supervisors and regulators to monitor and modify behavior
But in reviewing the list of deficiencies of the deposit
insurance system, we should not lose sight of the contribution that both
deposit insurance and the discount window have made to macroeconomic

The existence and use of the safety net have shielded the

broader financial system and the real economy from instabilities in
banking markets

More specifically, it has protected the economy from

the risk of deposit runs, especially the risk of such runs spreading
from bank to bank, disrupting credit and payment flows and the level of
trade and commerce

Confidence in the stability of tne banking and

payments system has been the major reason why the United States has not


suffered a financial panic or systemic bank run in the last half
There are thus important reasons to take care as we modify our
deposit insurance system

Reform is required

So is caution

The ideal

is an institutional framework that, to the extent possible, induces
banks both to hold more capital and to be managed as if there were no
safety net, while at the same time shielding unsophisticated depositors
and minimizing disruptions to credit and payment flows
If we were starting from scratch, the Board believes it would
be difficult to make the case that deposit insurance coverage should be
as high as its current $100,000 level

However, whatever the merits of

the 1980 increase in the deposit insurance level from $40,000 to
$100,000, it is clear that the higher level of depositor protection has
been in place long enough to be fully capitalized in the market value of
depository institutions

The associated scale and cost of funding have

been incorporated into a wide variety of bank and thrift decisions,
including portfolio choices, staffing, branch structure, and marketing

Consequently, a return to lower deposit insurance coverage

like any tightening of the safety net —


would reduce insured depository

market values and involve significant transition costs

It is one thing

initially to offer and then maintain a smaller degree of insurance
coverage, and quite another to reimpose on the existing system a lower
level of insurance, with its associated readjustment and unwinding

This is why the granting of subsidies by the Congress should be

considered so carefully

they not only distort the allocation of

resources, but also are extremely difficult to eliminate, imposing


substantial transition costs on the direct and indirect beneficiaries
For such reasons, the Board has concluded that, should the Congress
decide to lower deposit insurance limits, a meaningful transition period
would be needed
A decision by Congress to leave the $100,000 limit unchanged,
however, should not preclude other reforms that would reduce current
inequities in, and abuses of, the deposit insurance system


study should be devoted to the cost and effectiveness of policing the
$100,000 limit so that multiple accounts are not used to obtain more
protection for individual depositors than Congress intends

The same

study could consider the desirability of limiting pass-through deposit
insurance —

under which up to $100,000 insurance protection is now

explicitly extended to each of the multiple beneficiaries of some large
otherwise uninsured deposits

Both have been used at times to thwart or

abuse the purpose of deposit insurance protection
No matter what the Conqress decides on deposit insurance
limits, we must be cautious of our treatment of uninsured depositors
Such depositors should be expected to assess the quality of their bank
deposits just as they are expected to evaluate any other financial asset
they purchase

Earlier I noted tnat our goal should be for banks to

operate as much as possible as if there were no safety net

In fact,

runs of uninsured deposits from banks under stress have become
So far, the pressure transmitted from such episodes to other
banks whose strength may be in doubt has been minimal.


the clear response pattern of uninsured depositors to protect themselves


by withdrawing their deposits from a bank unaer pressure raises the very
real risk that in a stressful environment the flight to quality could
precipitate wider financial market and payments distortions


systemic effects could easily feed back to the real economy, no matter
how open the discount window and how expansive open market operations
Thus, while deposits in excess of insurance limits should not be
protected by the safety net at any bank, reforms designed to rely mainly
on increased market discipline by uninsured depositors raise serious
stability concerns

Public policy, therefore, should rely on other

means as the primary mechanism to induce prudent bank policies
A promising approach that seeks to simulate market discipline
with minimal stability implications is the application of risk-based
deposit insurance premiums

The idea is to make the price of insurance

a function of the bank's risk, reducing the subsidy to risk-taking and
spreading the cost of insurance more fairly across depository

In principle, this approach has many attractive

characteristics, and could be designed to augment risk-based capital
For example, banks with high risk-based capital ratios might be charged
lower insurance premiums

But the range of premiums necessary to induce

genuine behavioral changes in portfolio management might well be many
multiples of the existing premium, thereby raising practical concerns
about its application

Risk-based premiums also would have to be

designed with some degree of complexity if they are to be fair and if
unintended incentives are to be avoided

In any event, the potential

additional benefits on top of an internationally negotiated risk-based
capital system, while positive, require further evaluation


Another approach that has induced increasing interest is the
insured narrow bank

Such an institution would invest only in high

quality, short-maturity, liquid investments, recovering its costs for
checking accounts and wire transfers from user fees

The narrow bank

would thus require drastic institutional changes, especially for
thousands of our smaller banks and for virtually all households using
checking accounts

Movement from the present structure for delivery of

many bank services would be difficult and costly, placing U S
a disadvantage internationally

banks at

In addition, this approach might shift

and possibly focus systemic risk on larger banks

Banking organizations

would have to locate their business and household credit operations in
nonbank affiliates funded by uninsured deposits and borrowings raised in
money and capital markets

Only larger organizations could fund in this

way and these units, unless financed longer term than banks today, would
be subject to the same risks of creditor runs that face uninsured banks,
with all of the associated systemic implications

If this were the

case, we might end up with the same set of challenges we face today,
refocused on a different set of institutions

We at the Board believe

that while the notion of a narrow bank to insulate the insurance fund is
intriguing, in our judgment further study of these systemic and
operational implications is required
If, in fact, proposals that rely on uninsured depositor
discipline, risk-based premiums, and structural changes in the delivery
of bank services raise significant difficulties, reform should then look
to other ways to curb banks' risk appetites, and to limit the likelihood
that the deposit insurance fund, and possibly the taxpayer, will be


called on to protect depositors

The Board believes that the most

promising approach is to reform both bank capital and supervisory

Both would be designed to reduce the value of the insurance
Neither would rule out either concurrent or subsequent

additions to deposit insurance reform, such as the changes discussed
previously, other proposals, such as increased reliance on subordinated
debt, or new approaches that may emerge in the years ahead

In fact,

higher capital, by reducing the need for, and thereby the value of,
deposit insurance would make subsequent reform easier

There would be

less at stake for the participants in the system
At the end of this year, the phase-in to the International
Capital Standards under the Basle Accord will begin

This risk-based

capital approach provides a framework for incorporating portfolio and
off-balance sheet risk into capital calculations

Most U S

banks have

already made the adjustment required for the fully phased-in 1992

However, the prospective increasingly competitive environment

suggests that the minimum level of capital called for by the 1992
requirements may not be adequate, especially for institutions that want
to take on additional activities

As a result of the safety net, too

many banking organizations, in our judgment, have travelled too far down
the road of operating with modest capital levels.

It may well be

necessary to retrace our steps and begin purposefully to move to capital
requirements that would, over time, be more consistent with what the
market would require if the safety net were more modest

The argument

for more capital is strengthened by the necessity to provide banking
organizations with a wider range of service options in an increasingly


competitive world

Indeed, projections of the competitive pressures

only intensify the view that if our financial institutions are to be
among the strongest in the world, let alone avoid an extension of the
taxpayers' obligation to even more institutions, we must increase
capital requirements

Our internationai agreements under the Basle

Accord permit us to do so
There are three objectives of a higher capital requirement
First, higher capital would strengthen the incentives of bank owners and
managers to evaluate more prudently the risks and benefits of portfolio
choices because more of their money would be at risk

In effect, the

moral hazard risk of deposit insurance would be reduced

Second, higher

capital levels would create a larger buffer between the mistakes of bank
owners and managers and the need to draw on the deposit insurance fund
For too many institutions, that buffer has been too low in recent years
The key to creating incentives to behave as the market would dictate,
and at the same time creating these buffers or shock absorbers, is to
require that those who would profit fron an institution's success have
the appropriate amount of their own capital at risk

Third, requiring

higher capital imposes on bank managers an additional market test.


must convince investors that the expected returns [justify the commitment
of risk capital

Those banks unable to do so would not be able to

We are in the process in the Federal Reserve System of
developing more specific capital proposals, including appropriate
transition arrangements designed to minimize disruptions

However, at

the outset I would like to anticipate several criticisms.

For many


banks, raising significant new capital will be neither easy nor cheap
Maintaining return on equity will be more difficult, and those foreign
banks that only adhere to the Basle minimums may be put in a somewhat
better competitive position relative to some U S


Higher capital

requirements also will tend to accelerate the move toward bank
consolidation and slow bank asset growth

However, these concerns must

be balanced against the increasing need for reform now, the difficulties
with all the other options, and both the desire of, and necessity for,
banking organizations to broaden their scope of activities in order to
operate successfully
More generally, many of the arguments about the competitive
disadvantages of higher capital requirements are short-sighted


capitalized banks are the ones best positioned to be successful in the
establishment of long-term relationships, to be the most attractive
counterparties for a large number of financial transactions and
guarantees, and to expand their business activities to meet new
opportunities and changing circumstances

Indeed, many successful U S.

and foreign institutions would today meet substantially increased riskbased capital standards
suggests that U S

In addition, the evidence of recent years

banks can raise sizable equity

The dollar volume of

new stock issues by banking organizations has grown at a greater rate
since the late 1970s than the total dollar volume of new issues by all
domestic corporate firms
Higher capital standards should go a long way toward inducing
market-like behavior by banks

However, the Board believes that, so

long as a significant safety net exists, additional inducements will be


needed through an intensification of supervisory efforts to deter banks
from maintaining return on equity by acquiring riskier assets
is not already the practice, full in-bank supervisory reviews

Where it

focusing on asset portfolios and off-balance sheet commitments —


occur at least annually, and the results of such examinations should
promptly be shared with the board of directors of the bank and used to
evaluate the adequacy of the bank's capital

The examiner should be

convinced after a rigorous and deliberate review that the loan-loss
reserves are consistent with the quality of the portfolio

If they are

not, the examiner should insist that additional reserves be created with
an associated reduction in the earnings or equity capital of the bank
If the resultant capital is not consistent with minimum capital
standards, the board of directors and the bank's regulators should begin
the process of requiring the bank either to reduce those assets or to
rebuild equity capital.
If credible capital raising commitments are not forthcoming,
and if those commitments are not promptly met, the authorities should
explore such responses as lowered dividends, slower asset growth or
perhaps even asset contraction, restrictions on the use of insured
brokered deposits, if any, and divestiture of affiliates with the
resources used to recapitalize the bank

What is important is that the

supervisory responses occur promptly and firmly and that they be
anticipated by the bank

This progressive discipline or prompt

corrective action of a bank with inadequate capital builds on our
current bank supervisory procedures and is designed to simulate market
pressures from risk-taking —

to link more closely excessive risk-taking


with its costs —

without creating market disruptions

Some flexibility

is certainly required, but the Board has in mind a set of credible
responses in principle and a presumption that these responses will be
applied in the absence of compelling reasons not to do so
Such an approach -- higher capital and prompt corrective action

would increase the cost and reduce the availability of credit from

insured institutions to riskier borrowers

In effect, our proposal

would reduce the incentive some banks currently have to overinvest in
risky credits at loan rates that do not fully reflect the risks

This implies that the organizers of speculative and riskier

ventures will have to restructure their borrowing plans, including
possibly paying more for their credit, or seek financing from noninsured

Some borrowers may find their proposals no longer viable

However, it is ]ust such financing by some insured institutions that has
caused so many of the current difficulties, and it is one of the
objectives of our proposals to cause depositories to reconsider the
economics of such credits.

As insured institutions reevaluate the risk-

return tradeoff, they are likely to be more interested in credit
extensions to less risky borrowers, increasing the economic efficiency
of our resource allocation
Despite their tendency to raise the average level of bank asset
quality, higher capital requirements and prompt corrective action will
not eliminate bank failures

An insurance fund will still be needed,

but we believe that, with a fund of reasonable size, the risk to
taxpayers should be reduced substantially.

As I have noted, higher

capital requirements and prompt corrective action imply greater caution


in bank asset choices and a higher cushion to the FDIC to absorb bank

In addition, an enhanced supervisory approach will not permit

deteriorating positions to accumulate

Moreover, the Board believes

that forced mergers, divestitures, and, when necessary, conservatorships
should occur while there is still positive (albeit low) capital in the
bank to limit reorganization or liquidation costs


stockholders should be given adequate yime to correct deteriorating
positions —

including providing new capital —

but Congress should

specifically provide the bank regulators witn the clear authority, and,
therefore, explicit support, to act well before technical insolvency to
minimize the ultimate resolution costs
These reforms should be equally applicable to banks of all

No observer is comfortable with the inequities and adverse

incentives of an explicit or implicit proogram that penalizes depositors,
creditors, and owners of smaller banks more than those of larger ones
The Board believes no bank should assume that its scale insulates it
from market discipline

Nevertheless, it is clear that there may be

some banks at some particular times whose collapse and liquidation would
be excessively disruptive to the financial system

But no bank is ever

too large or too small to escape the application of the same prompt
corrective action standards applied to other banks

Any bank can be

required to rebuild its capital to adequate levels and, if it does not,
be required to contract its assets, divest affiliates, cut its
dividends, change its management, sell or close offices, and the
resultant smaller entity can be merged or sold to another institution


with the resources to recapitalize


If this is not possible, the

entity can be placed in conservatorship and liquidated
I noted earlier that one response of some banks to the more
intense competitive environment has been to draw down their capital

These and other institutions cannot rebuild, strengthen, and

maintain the appropriate level of capital unless they are able to adapt
to the changing competitive and technological environment

The ability

to adapt is crucially dependent on broadening the permissible range of
activities for banking organizations


the same time, we should be

sensitive to the implications of the potential extension of the safety
net —

directly or indirectly —

under those markets that banking

organizations are authorized to enter
The Board has for some time held the view that strong
insulating firewalls would both protect banks (and taxpayers) from the
risk of new activities and limit the extension of the safety net subsidy
that would place independent competitors at a disadvantage


recent events, including the rapid spread of market pressures to
separately regulated and well capitalized units of Drexel when their
holding company was unable to meet its maturing commercial paper
obligations, have raised serious questions about the ability of
firewalls to insulate one unit of a holding company from funding
problems of another

Partially as a result, the Board is in the process

of reevaluating both the efficacy and desirability of substantial
firewalls between a bank and some of its affiliates

It is clear that

high and thick firewalls reduce synergies and raise costs for financial
institutions, a significant problem in increasingly competitive


financial markets

If they raise costs and may not be effective, we

must question why we are imposing these kinds of firewalls at all
Moreover, higher capital standards and prompt corrective action go a
long way to limit the transference of the bank safety net subsidies to
bank affiliates that firewalls are designed to constrain

And, as such,

they should greatly limit the risk of distorted market signals and
excessive risk-taking over an expanded range of markets, as well as the
unfair competition, that might otherwise accompany wider bank
Indeed, authorization to use their expertise over a wider range
of markets might well be limited only to those banking organizations
that meet a new higher capital


Consequently, Congress might

wish to authorize bank supervisors to grant certain of these activities
only to those entities that exceed such a standard

Those institutions

that consistently exceed the capital standard perhaps could receive more
flexibility in supervisory treatment

For example, a notice requirement

could be substituted for formal applications for activities permitted by
law and regulation, provided that such acquisitions leave a banking
organization's capital in excess of the higher standards


reductions in regulatory burden for highly capitalized banking
organizations might also be appropriate

Such organizations would,

however, still be subject to the same thorough annual examinations
As you know, the Board has long supported repeal of the
provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act that separate commercial and
investment banking

We still strongly advocate such repeal because we

believe that technology and globalization have continued to blur the


distinctions among credit markets, and have eroded the franchise value
of the classic bank intermediation process

Outdated constraints will

only endanger the profitability of banking organizations and their
contribution to the American economy

Beyond investment banking, the

Board believes that highly capitalized banking firms should be
authorized to engage in a wider range of financial activities as a part
of the modernization of our financial structure and the maintenance of
strong, profitable financial institutions that can compete in world

A banking system that cannot adapt to the changing competitive

and technological environment will no longer be able to attract and
maintain the higher capital level that some of our institutions need to
operate without excessive reliance on the safety net
Firms primarily engaged in the financial activities authorized
to banking organizations should likewise be permitted to operate an
insured bank

Congress, of course, will have to give careful

consideration to how to handle the activities some of these entities are
already engaged in that would not be permitted to banking organizations
More generally, as we expand the range ot activities available to
banking organizations, competitive equity suggests the desirability of
functional regulation

Under such an approach, each area of activity

should be subject to the same regulatory constraints as equivalent or
very similar functions at nonbank firms

But independent of regulatory

or organizational structure, all of us should understand that the
market, the stockholders, and management will think of the bank and any
associated units —

affiliates or subsidiaries —

of businesses, but as an integrated organization

not as a confederation
Recognition of this


reality suggests that it is perhaps inefficient, at best, and under
conditions of financial distress, ineffective, to try to make integrated
businesses behave as if they were a collection of independent firms
As a result, it may be more realistic, as I suggested earlier,
to apply more limited firewalls to the new activities.

I have in mind

here restrictions such as sections 23A and B of the Federal Reserve Act,
which already limit the financial transactions between a bank and its
affiliates, requiring collateral, arms-length transactions, and
except when Treasury securities are used as collateral —
limits based on the bank's capital



Moreover, recognition of the

integrated nature of the operations of the insured unit with the rest of
the organization raises the question of the implications of a piecemeal
regulatory structure, with no means for ensuring that the activities of
the organization as a whole do not impose undue risk on either the
financial system or the safety net

We believe that some agency should

be responsible for oversight of the entire organization, especially if
expanded activities and less rigorous firewalls are adopted
As the Congress considers modernization of our banking
structure to meet the needs of the 21st century, it should not only
widen the permissible activities of well-capitalized banking
organizations, but also eliminate outdated statutes that only increase

The McFadden Act forces state member and national banks to

deliver interstate services only throuqh separately capitalized bank
holding company subsidiaries (where permitted by state law) rather than
through branches

Such a system reduces the ability of many smaller

banks to diversify geographically ard raises costs for all banking


organizations that operate in more than one state, a curious requirement
as we search for ways to make banks more competitive and profitable
The McFadden Act ought to be amended Lo permit interstate branching by
In summary, events have made it clear that we ought not to
permit banks, because of their access tc the safety net, to take
excessive risk with inadequate capital

Even if we were to ignore the

potential taxpayer costs, we ought not to permit a system that is so
inconsistent with efficient market behavior

In the process of reform,

however, we should be certain we consider carefully the implications for
macroeconomic stability

The Board believes that higher capital and

prompt corrective action by supervisors to resolve problems will go a
long way to eliminate excessive risk-taking by insured institutions, and
would not preclude additional deposit insurance reform, now or later
Moreover, we believe that with such an approach the Congress should feel
comfortable with authorizing banking organizations to expand the scope
of their financial activities

Indeed, we believe that permitting wider

activities is necessary to ensure that such organizations can remain
competitive both here and abroad

Increased activities are also

required to sustain the profitability needed if banking firms are to
attract capital

To limit the risks of safety net transference, some

new activities might be made available by banking regulators only to
banks with impressive capital positions

We believe that whatever the

regulatory form and structure under which new activities are permitted,
one agency should have oversight responsibility for the banking
organization as a whole

It is also our view that, with these suggested


reforms, reliance on stringent firewalls would not be necessary


the McFadden Act should be amended in order to permit banks to deliver
their services at the lowest possible costs and to more easily diversify
their geographic risks

The Board has shared its views with the

Treasury as part of our continuing consultations on these matters,
especially in the context of their FIRREA-mandated study
Finally, in considering all proposals, we should remind
ourselves that our objective is a strong and stable financial system
that can deliver the best services at the lowest cost and compete around
the world without taxpayer support

This requires the modernization of

our financial system and the weaning of some institutions from the
unintended benefits that accompany the safety net

Higher capital

requirements may well mean a relatively leaner and more efficient
banking system, and they will certainly mean one with reduced
inclinations toward risk
reforms —

However, the Board believes our proposed

including the authorization of wider activities by banking

organizations —

will go a long way toward ensuring a safer and more

efficient financial system and lay the groundwork for other
modifications in the safety net in the years ahead