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Suggestion* for the
Or ga n iz a tio n and
Operation of Liberty
Loan committees.

Issued by the

Com m ittee on Distribution
Second Federa! Reserve District
120 Broadway, New York


Organization of Second Federal
Reserve District
experiences of the Rrst Liberty Loan indicate that
the communities which most carefully organized their
forces showed the best results in distribution. The ex­
perience of the committees in the last campaign has been
digested, and as a result of this digest, suggestions are oSered
here which may assist the local committees.
These suggestions are put down for whatever application
they may have to any given community. It is obviously im­
possible to devise a uniform plan of activity to suit the widely
different conditions in the various parts of this district. The
suggestions submitted will, if adopted, require modiRcation in
many cases.

Primary Committee
Some of the most effective committees were composed of
a representative from the following:
Local banks and trust companies;
Principal civic and commercial organizations;
Local manufacturer's association;
The Grange;
Local newspaper (proprietor or editor);
Local Home Defense Organization.
An important member of these committees was the PUB­
LICITY man. The selection usually made was that
of a newspaper man who could devote his full time
to the publicity features of the campaign.
- It is suggested that if your local committee does not con­
tain representatives of such of these organizations as exist in
your community, it might be well for you to add such repre­
sentatives, advising the Distribution Committee to that effect.
Supplemental Committees
In addition to the general lines of activity mentioned
above, it would be possible, in many instances, to extend
the organization along more intensive lines and to form sub


committees to cover specific lines of effort, such us the follow­
Board of Trade;
Military Organizations;
Churches and religious organizations (Y. M. C. A., Epworth
League, Christian Endeavor Society, Catholic so­
cieties, etc.);
Fraternal organizations.
Women's Committee
The Chairman of each Local Committee has been requested
to appoint a Local Women's Committee to act in harmony
with the Committee appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank.
Representatives from the following organizations can be se­
lected to form sub-committees, working under the direction
of the Women's Committee:
Young Women's Christian Association;
Women's Clubs;
Daughters of the Revolution;
Kings Daughters, etc.
Boy Scouts
The Boy Scouts Organization, which has representatives
in most of the communities throughout this District, is being
asked directly from Washington to distribute literature and
secure subscriptions. It is suggested that the chairman of the
Local Liberty Loan Committee should harmonize the work
of the Boy Scouts Organization with that of his own committee.
Campaign Material and Publicity
A full list of material prepared by the Treasury Depart­
ment or the Central Committee in New York, will be furnished
to the Chairman of each Local Committee. Full details of the
publicity work proposed will be found in part II of this
Securing Every Subscriber to the Last Loan as a Salesman for
This Loan
It was found in many instances in the previous campaign
that once an individual had subscribed for bonds, he uncon­
sciously became an active solicitor of subscriptions among his
friends. I n , order to utilize this potential volunteer selling
force, it is suggested that all subscribers to the last Loan be
reached through the banks which handled their subscriptions,
and that each subscriber be requested to obtain Sve (5) new


subscribers for ibis Loan. The necessary printed material for
this purpose will be furnished to the requisite amount upon
request. Possibly a sub-committee of the bank representatives
could handle this situation most effectively.
Bank Employees
The experiences of the last Loan show that it is highly
desirable that each worker, particularly each bank employee,
be provided with a standardized description of the Govern­
ment Bonds, their character and value. A breast-pocket card,
therefore, has been prepared and will, upon request, be pro­
vided each Committee in the amounts required. It is highly
desirable that these cards be carried constantly so that they
may be available for reference during any discussion regard­
ing the Bonds and methods of subscription, and so that there
will be avoided the undesirable experiences of the last cam­
paign of many conflicting statements.
Personal Canvass of Bank Depositors
It was found in the last campaign that the banking in­
stitutions could secure a materially larger volume of sub­
scriptions by making a personal canvass of their depositors.
It is therefore suggested that in each bank a sufficient number
of the officers should give the time to follow up the institution's
depositors and secure subscriptions in this way, rather than
by correspondence. In order to prevent unnecessary shifting
of deposits it is urged that so far as possible subscriptions
should be paid on the instalment dates to be set forth by the
Government, or such other plan as may be agreed upon between
the institution and its depositors.
Standard Partial Payment Plan
In order to simplify the work of the banks, it is suggested
that the use of the so-called Christmas Club cards be adopted
to take care of small subscriptions. Samples of this card have
already been sent to all of the banks in the District, and these
cards will be furnished to them by the Committee on Distri­
bution gratuitously. It is felt that the use of this plan will
simplify and standardize the work in connection with the forth­
coming Loan. It has the further advantage of stimulating
regular habits of saving.
General Canvassing Work
It is suggested that the Local Committees should make
a general financial survey of the community and the principal
business 6rms and corporations, and that wealthy individuals


should be reached by members of the Local Committee, with
a view to securing subscriptions. As to the general' canvassing
work, it has been found most effective in the majority of cases
to divide the community into districts, and to make house-tohouse canvass through the medium of such local organizations
as may be available, including the Women's Liberty Loan Com­
mittee and sub committees. In this connection it may b&
pointed out that the co-operation of the following organiza­
tions has been promised:
Boy Scouts;
Teachers in the public schools in the State of New York;
Members of the American Institute of Banking;
Council of National Defense.
A considerable amount of educational material for the
use of canvassers has been prepared and will be furnished
wherever desired.
Educational Work
It is felt that the necessity of supporting the Loan might
be more generally understood if there could be distributed
through the Home Defense Organizations, Boy Scouts or other
bodies, an educational booklet to each household in the com­
munity, this booklet to indicate the need for subscribing to
the Loan and its advantages to the individual and to the com­
munity. It should be distributed in the early part of the
campaign and will be furnished in quantities upon request.
Plans are under way to furnish the pastors of all de­
nominations, a sermon, which it is suggested that the Local
Committee urge the pastors of their community to deliver
along the lines suggested upon whatever date is set by the
authorities in Washington for such an appeal.
. Speakers' Bureau
One of the most effective methods of arousing interest
in the last campaign was through the medium of public meet­
ings. This feature should be given careful attention by local
committees and arrangements should be made for holding
local meetings, cumulative in size and importance. In the
majority of cases, speakers will be available locally, but in
order to supply speakers for every requirement, a well or­
ganized Speakers' Bureau has been established at the head­
quarters of the Distribution Committee, Room 542, No. 120
Broadway, New York City, which will provide men to supple­


ment the speakers available locally. All Committee Chairmen
are urged to communicate with the Director of this Bureau
whenever speakers other than local talent are desired.
Through an arrangement made with the Four Minute Men,
the excellent volunteer speakers of this Federal institution
have been placed at the command of the local chairmen. These
men can be assigned to speak at all sorts of gatherings; par­
ticularly, however, moving picture houses and theatres. If
the Four Minute Men organization does not extend into your
community, you are urged to communicate this fact to the
Speakers' Bureau in New York City and arrangements will
be made for the immediate organization of a local branch.
Beaching the Farmer
A booklet specifically written for the education of the
farmer, making clear his motives for bond subscription and
the necessity for the farmer's participation in this Loan, with
subscription blanks included placed in a sealed envelope, will
be supplied to the Local Committee with suggestions for a
method of supplying them to the local postmaster for distri­
bution over every rural free delivery route. No addressing
will be necessary.
Spirit of Emulation
It is suggested that a sub-committee be formed to work
with the local Publicity Man to arouse a spirit of emulation
among teams of canvassers and organizations, by publishing
in the local newspapers the result of subscriptions obtained
each day by these teams and organizations, and by publishing
as well a daily list of individual bond subscribers without
giving the amounts of the subscriptions; also by having them
displayed in prominent localities such as show windows of de­
partment stores and other commanding situations on busy
corners. It is suggested that each bank display in its window
the total subscriptions received by that bank and the total of
the campaign from day to day.


It is suggested that one man on each Committee be desig­
nated to have active charge of publicity. In view of the fact
that this work involves some technical knowledge and a con­
siderable amount of constant detail work, it is suggested that,
where possible, a man be obtained with previous newspaper
training or at least one who has had some direct experience
with publicity matters. Such a man should give his full time
wherever possible. In some cases the publicity man may be
employed under the direction of a member of the Committee,
who may very properly be the editor of a local paper.
Division of Work. The Publicity Department of the
central committee is divided into four bureaus, the News
Bureau, the Advertising Bureau, the Feature Bureau and the
Service Bureau. These will be described in order.
News Bureau. This bureau is under the direction of
a trained newspaper man who has a competent staff of news­
paper people under his direction. News is collected from all
parts of the City and is given out to the evening papers at
11 a. m. and to the morning papers at 5 p. m.
The stories cover every detail of the organization of com­
mittees, the actual subscriptions made to the Loan, interviews
with prominent people who have subscribed or who have defin­
ite views on various phases of the Loan or reasons for sub­
scribing to the Loan.
Special stories are worked up with regard to prominent
subscribers, both men and women, and to unusual subscrip­
tions, such as those from baseball players, prominent actors
and actresses, soldiers, sailors, children, the oldest subscriber,
the youngest subscriber, etc. Wherever practicable, news
stories are accompanied by photographs.
A local committee will be guided in every case by local
conditions. A man with news training will devise many ways
in which stories of local interest can be worked up. The ma­
terial developed by the News Bureau in New York is


forwarded each night to every paper in the Second Federal
Reserve District. Plate matter is sent once a week by the
Western Newspaper Union to nearly 500 papers throughout
the district. Special feature and Sunday articles are for­
warded from time to time or will be worked up specially at
the request of committees or individual papers.
Members of the Committee personally acquainted with
the owners or publishers of the local papers should request
them to give special attention to the Loan during the course
of the campaign and to feature it in as many as possible of
the following ways:

Sunday stories;
Special stories in women's columns, on the baseball
page and in other special feature columns;
Special features in boxes;
Special slogans across the top or bottom of the front

Advertising Bureau. It has not been the policy of
the Central Committee to ask local papers for free advertising
space. The policy pursued has been to appeal to advertisers
to mention the Liberty Loan in their regular advertising dur­
ing the period of the campaign.
In many cases advertisers have desired to supplement their
regular space by additional space devoted to the Loan.
One good way of getting considerable display in the way
of advertising is to ask groups of people such, for example,
as the banks or the merchants in the community, to take a page
or half page together.
Advertising copy has been prepared by the Advertising
Bureau in New York designated to meet requirements through­
out the District wherever this service is required. Some of
the most expert copy writers in the country have prepared
advertisements of different sizes and along different lines.
The two main divisions of appeal have been patriotism and
investment. These two general heads are capable of many


The following of&cial trade mark has been adopted for
all advertising in the District:

Electros of this design are mailable in four sizes.
This was drawn by Mr. Adolph Treidler, of New York,
who is one of the best known poster artists in the country.
The Advertising Bureau also has a full supply of pamph­
lets, folders, posters, pay envelopes and inserts and other
special educational and display material, a full list and descrip­
tion of which is contained in the catalogue of publications
which will be mailed to every committee. Advertising cards
for street cars are being supplied on a national basis through
an agency in New York. If there are no cards in your local
street cars, notify the Publicity Department immediately.
Electric signs should be obtained through local efforts.
The New York Committee has a supply of large posters which
can be put on local bill boards if space arrangements can be
made by local committees.
A national moving picture committee has prepared slides
and trailers for moving pictures, which are being supplied to
practically all moving picture houses throughout the country.
If your local moving picture houses have not received slides,
please notify the Publicity Department in New York.
(3) Feature Bureau. The Feature Bureau is intended
to take care of all outside work not covered by News and
Advertising. In the Feature Bureau in New York special
men are handling moving picture display, parades, contests
for school children, exhibitions and all other special publicity
devices to attract public attention to the Loan other than the
matter of speakers and meetings which in New York are
handled by the Speakers' Bureau.
(4) Service Bureau. The Service Bureau takes charge
pf the internal organization, stenographers, telephone service,


ctc., the budget, purchasing, printing and the di#icult problem
of poster distribution. Much of the poster distribution is
attended to by the New York Committee which has supplied
posters to many organizations with branches throughout the
United States, such as cigar stores, grocery stores, dry goods
stores, and others which have chains over a wide territory.
It is suggested that each committee get up volunteer poster
distributing committees and that wherever it is considered
practical, a special committee of women don old costumes and
distribute posters, having pictures taken at the same time for
the local papers. This can also be done to advantage with a
prominent group of bankers. It should be emphasized at all
times that this is a war proposition, and that posters do not
permanently deface any wall or fence to which they are at­
tached. Efforts should be made to get posters on public build­
ings and private buildings where commercial posters would
under no circumstances be permitted.
A complete list of all publicity material is contained in
"Catalogue of Publications," to be had of Publicity Depart­
ment, Room 440, 120 Broadway, New York City.
For quick publicity service, call Rector 4901. Indicate
whether you want information or have suggestions to make to
News Bureau,
Advertising Bureau,
Service Bureau (Posters),
Assistant Director.