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" W h a t ! go to the ant," said the sluggard;
" W h a t a waste of time that woula be;
T o my picnic I'll hie and sit down by my pie
And there let the ants come to me."





A u g u s t 2 4 and 2 5 , 1893.







The House having under consideration the bill (H. R. 1) tdrepeal apart of
an act, approved July 14, 1890, entitled "An act directing the purchase of
silver bullion and the issue of Treasury notes thereon, and for other purposes"—

' Mr. PENCE said:
Mr. SPEAKER: Under the five-minute rule I have but a word
or two to say. I know that the House has been already too kind
to me. But, raised as I was in the Indiana school, and allied as
I am by matrimony with the Kentucky school,. I could not let
even this short opportunity pass by without expressing my opinions and feelings respecting the utterances of certain of the
Hoosier and Kentucky statesmen on this floor. I do not desire
to take the time of the House in any discussion of the merits of
this question. I am a little bit discouraged, and my people are;
and we have reason to be so.
My wife is a Kentuekian and
have a good many Kentucky
friends in Denver, and each and all of them gave me brief
words of encouragement when I started away, and when they on
the last day before I left home told me that the New York Democrats may go back on silver and the silver platform, Connecticut
Democrats may go back on silver and the silver platform, Maryland Democrats may spew the Chicago declarations out of their
mouths as mere catchwords and glittering generalities, but you
will find one good warm table where you can sit down in Washington, th6 good old " McCreary Bimetallic Hostlery," which
will be open and every example of its * hospitality will be spread
before you.
Mr. Speaker, I have tried at the door and at the diningrroom
door and have been turned away from that good old inn, hungry
as I was when I applied for admission and sustenance; and when
upon inquiry I sought to find what means this change, I am directed to step out upon the sidewalk and look up at the old sign,
and there I learned that the old hospitable inn is now being run
on the European plan. [Laughter and applause.]
Mr. Speaker, they told me that it would be a warm reception,
because in 1891—not back yonder before the war, when the moon
was larger than it has been since hostilities ceased—but in 1891
the gentleman, who has been the chief executive of Kentucky,
had been the glad recipient of a vote of thanks by a Democratic
convention in Kentucky, which, in addition to declaring for the
free and unlimited coinage of silver, had also voted an express


resolution of thanks to him and his colleagues, for their almost
unanimous vote for free coinage in Congress.
I have telegraphed my old Kentucky friends—or my wife has—
that we have been fooled. [Laughter.]
Mr. Speaker, that, however, does not so much concern me,
because my best recollections pertain in no wise to the "dark
and bloody ground*' south of the Ohio River. I was born and
bred in the school of VOORHEES, of COOPER of Indiana, of BYNUM of Indianapolis: and right well they taught me my lessons,
and set me upon a course concerning which I shall not turn my
face at the suggestion of pie from the Administration. [Laughter.]
If it were my purpose, Mr. Speaker, standing here as a representative of the people's party
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time of the gentleman has
Mr. SIMPSON. I ask unanimous consent that the time of the
gentleman from Colorado [Mr. PENCE] be extended fifteen minutes.
There was no objection, and it was so ordered.
Mr. PEXCE. Mr. Speaker, I was about to say, when my friend
kindly interposed his request, now granted by the House, that
if I, standing here as a member of the People's party, desired
political advantage, I should greet with joy the probability of
the Democracy surrendering to the command of the Executive,
and of the RepuDlican minority being chained absolutely to the
Executive chariot; but I hope I am prompted by higher wishes
and motives than that.
I have at home a people who are more deeply concerned in this
question than any other people in the Union, and if the gentleman from Indianapolis [Mr. BYNUM] were here representing a
people assaulted as are mine, he would not be an evolutionist, but
as the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. SIBLEY] said, one letter would be added to the word. He would protect his people;
and my people in Colorado, fifteen hundred of whom were taught
by this gentleman from Indiana, as was I, protest through me
against this abject surrender that is being made by the Representative from the good old State. [Applause.]
It is not necessary, Mr. Speaker, for me to review any of the
arguments before I come to this matter. It is not necessary to
remind this House and the people that, as three thermometers
hung on yonder wall under the same conditions here would fall
together, so have wheat and cotton and silver gone down together since 1873. It is not necessary for me—at least, 1 will not
consider it so—to read any number of the speeches made by prominent gentlemen upon this floor in prior Administrations. I shall
in that respect be content with referring to that which my own
eyes have witnessed. And oh! how vivid is the recollection of the
Not back in 1873, not back in 1861, nor 1834, nor 1816. I shall
not carry the gentleman back far in the recollection of the
scenes that have lately transpired in his life. Only to the 13th
day of October. 1891, when the gentleman from Indiana [Mr.
BYNUM], Mr. Chauncey P. Black of Pennsylvania,* Senator
FAULKNER of West Virginia, and Mr. WILSON of West Vir216

ginia, were advertised as* about to make a tour through our
country for the organization of Democratic clubs. They came
into our presence. Oh! how warmly we greeted them—greeted
them with bed and board such as the old Kentucky hotel used
to give us. [Laughter.] On the night of October 13, X891, the
gentleman from Indianapolis [Mr. BYNUM], addressed the largest
audience ever assembled in the city of Denver, and he taught
me no new lessons.
At his feet I had knelt in my old native State, that blessed
Commonwealth, which I have remembered with the sweetest
recollections of my life, around the old home before I came to
manhood, in the days
When my feet were bare and my cheek was brown,
When my heart was as light as the eider down,

and open and free for just such lessons as he taught. But in
1891 he came to remind me of them.
I read, Mr. Speaker, from the Rocky Mountain News of October 14,1891. I read first the words of the gentleman as uttered
I have always—

I know the gentleman will not forget these words—
I have always—

That means a long time past [laughter]—
been in favor of the free coinage of silver; and I do not desire to advertise
my own record, but in this connection I think It Is not improper to say what
action I have taken in respect to this question.

This was a stenographic report of the gentleman's speech, for
the kindness in making which we received his acknowledgment
of thanks on the next morning.
I was on the Committee on Coinage in the Forty-ninth Congress, and was
one of the three members of that committee who reported the bill in favor
of free coinage away back at the beginning of Mr. Cleveland's Administration. "[Loud and prolonged cheering.]

Then this further quotation—but I hope if I scrape the mold
from the memory of the gentleman he will thank me for it—
I have voted for free coinage from the time the question has been before
Congress, and will do so every time it comes up.

[Great laughter and applause.]
Mr. Speaker, I trust that the teacher will not rebuke the scholar
whom he trained for now telling him that the question has ' ' come
up." [Renewed laughter and applause.]
But that is only a part of it. Back in Indiana they do not illustrate the speeches of public men; but with that spirit which
marks all of our enterprises we do. I have here the front page
of the paper of the same day which illustrates the impression
made upon our people. First, the reporter, in addition to the
report I have read, says:
Mr. BYNUM was greeted with hearty and prolonged applause, and it was
several minutes before the cheers had subsided and the orator could enter
upon his theme. His declarations and his advocacy of free silver aroused the
audience to the wildest enthusiasm, although the speaking had then been in
progress for three hours.

[Great laughter.]

Mr. Speaker, that is only the beginning. Here we have what
I can not hold up and display to the House [referring to the
bound copy of the paper before him.]
Several MEMBERS. Let us see it.
Mr. PENCE. Let me say, then, that the book will stay here
to the hour of adjournment, and furthermore, Mr. Speaker, that
it may not be lost to the members who are not here, I now shall
request the privilege of having a copy of this cut made and incorporated as a portion of my remarks. [Great laughter.]
Several MEMBERS. Describe it.
Mr. PENCE. And here, what see I before me? Oh, the recollections that it brings up I [Describing.] A silver dollar, a medallion of a dollar, turned out by our mints. Supported; how? By the
manly legs and feet of the gentleman from Indianapolis. [Great
laughter. ] Whose arms are these I see upraised as in invocation
to high Heaven; whose face this that I see announcing to the
skies, and beneath the inscription, " I always voted for free
coinage; and always will when it comes up." [Great laughter.]
The noble presence to my left reminds me that I can not be mistaken in the photograph. [Laughter.] II it requires unanimous
consent to print that picture I nope I will get it [laughter]; and
if that is not sufficient, I hope my proffer will be accepted to pay
for it myself and save the Government the expense. [Laughter.]
Mr. Speaker, I have said that this gentleman taught me that
lesson, which I decline to forget and leave. I begin, since I
notice their utterances here, to understand why and how it is
that the Democratic President, elected upon a silver platform,
apparently without fear of contradiction, claimed at Gray
Gables sixty days ago that these men of the majority would
surrender at his command. I thought they were too brave.
But, oh, no; he understood too well the favors he had to dispense—" the means at command," as Mr. COCKRAN expressed it
w the columns of the North American Review in June; and he
never hesitated, but felt free to fling the platform to the wind,
as he had that which would turn down the platform. Bravo was
he, Mr. Speaker, as the sluggard who was told to go to the ant.
"What! go to the ant," said the sluggard;
"What a waste of time that would be;
To my picnic III hie and sit down by my pie
And tnere let the ants come to me."

[Great laughter.]
When the gentleman who now is chairman of the Finance
Committee in the Senate is agreeing absolutely, in toto, with
the plans of Mr, SHERMAN of Ohio, I could but be reminded of
his article in the North American Review in November, 1891,
when he (Senator VOORHEES), writing of him (Senator SHERMAN), spoke of him as—
thefinancialweathercock of the Union: one who had been on all sides of
the money question, who had changed oftener than anyone else, but always
changed at tho time and in the way that would best suit the purpose of Wall
street and New York.

I will send the Senator from Indiana a copy of his own article
by the first mail. [Laughter.] Mr. Speaker, it is no wonder
that in our country we have come to be unable to distinguish the
difference between the present Secretary of the Treasury, Mr.
Carlisle, and the past Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. SHERMAN.
SI 6

It is true that upon this floor Mr. Carlisle denounced the Sherman
policy, but little by little he has come to it, and now what scene
do we behold? He who had been the denunciator of the policy of
the Treasury Department in 1878 now the author of its continuance !
In my judgment, sir, the story of the gradual, slow temptation
and change of Mr. Carlisle will be one of the saddest chapters in
the history of this country. I worshiped at his feet as well as
at the feet of the gentleman from Indianapolis continuously by
day and by night during the soft and callow days of my youth.
[Laughter.] W e can now see in our country the difference
between the policy of the Treasury Department to-day and that
of 1878. It is always against us. Now, Mr. Speaker, may I illustrate this case by a little story, and then I will not further tire
the House?
The SPEAKER. The time of the gentleman has expired.
[Cries of " G o on!"]
Mr. BYNUM. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the
time of the gentleman from Colorado be extended. [Laughter
and applause.]
There was no objection, and it was so ordered.
Mr. PENCE. Certainly, Mr. Speaker,.after that gracious act
I must confine my attention to somebody outside of the State of
Indiana. [Laughter.] I have said, sir, that the people out in
our country can not discern the difference between the policy of
the Treasury Department of to-day and the policy of the Treasury Department in 1878, under Mr. Sherman, and I want to illustrate that.
Back in Marion County, Ind., there is a little town down on
the Johnson County line containing about 300 people. A stranger
came into the town on a certain Sunday morning, and, walking
out from the hotel, he saw a little white church and a crowd
going inland he noticed that it was a Lutheran church. He
walked on, and in the jiext block he saw a little brown church,
and was surprised to S^e that it also seemed to be a Lutheran
church. He went back to the hotel and found the proprietor
there—he had not gone to Europe [laughter]—and he said to
him, " I t strikes me as rather strange that in a little town like
this, hardly able to sustain one church, there should be two
churches just alike."
".What do yoij mean? " asked the landlord. The stranger told
him what he had seen. " O h , " said the landlord, "youare mistaken; those two churches are not just alike; they are somewhat alike, but .not-Just alike. Over in the white church
they believe that the serpent tempted Eve, and Eve tempted
Adam, and Adam fell; but over in the brown church they think
he was a bad egg from the start." [Laughterand applause.] Now,
Mr. Speaker, I have too long imposed upon the patience of the
House, and, understanding that I have leave to print this pioture with my remarks, I thank gentleman for their indulgence
and resume my seat.
Mr. BYNUM. Mr. Speaker, I have been highly edified by the
remarks of the gentleman from Colorado [Mr. PENCE], because I
have taken a great interest in his welfare since he became so
prominent in that State. The gentleman is correct in saying

that I made aspecch in Denver to a very large audience. I think
it was one of the largest audiences I ever saw, though I may huvo
overestimated its numbers. During the fall of lw'.ll I had the
pleasure of making a tour across the continent with some distinguished gentlemen who were engaged in the organization oi
Democratic clubs. We started in at St. Paul, from thence went
to Fargo, Butte, Helena, Spokane, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Salt Lake, and thence to Denver.
Now, Mr. Speaker, it is true that I have always been an advocate of free coinage. In the Forty-ninth Congress I followed the
lead of the gentleman from Missouri {Mr. BLAND]. It seems to
have been a case of the blind leading the blind,and I confess it.
[Laughter.] After my visit to Denver, where I witnessed this evidence of wealth and prosperity—all made out of the production
of silver—I am not surprised to find the gentleman from Colorado so enthusiastic on the subject. Upon our arrival at Denver,
we were met, as we li .d been at all the points we visited, by a
committee representative of the hospitable Democracy of the
West. W e were tuken for a drive over the city, which is one of
the most beautiful that I have ever seen. In fact, I have complimented the city since I first saw it whenever its name is mentioned.
I never saw so many new and magnificent residences.
The suburbs of Denver will compare favorably with those of
an v other city in the United States. As I looked at this splendid
evidence of wealth and prosperity I was led to inquire from
whence it was derived. I was told that It all came from 44 silver
mines." When asked by some of the good people the subject of
my speech, which I was advertised to make in the evening, I
told them I talked of nothing but tariff reform. I was informed
that there was but one question in which the people of Colorado
had any interest, and that was " silver." Having been a supporter
of free coinage, I yielded to the temptation of those who had received and treated me in such a hospitable manner, and gave expression to some sentiments in favor of silver that were somewhat extravagant.
I distinctly stated in my speech on Tuesday that I had changed
my views on the subject; a fact that was well known to my constituents. This is not a question of principle but one of policy,
and I expect and intend, whenever from changed condition or
from the acquisition of more light, I become convinced of my
error, to change my views as my judgment may approve, and
when I shall do so I shall not be too cowardly to proclaim the
In the Fourty-fourth Congress, during the then exciting conditions, I was a supporter of frea coinage. I made a speech on that
side, and I believe it was as good a one as I have heard during
this debate, but I confess my sins and am seeking forgiveness.
On Augu$t25 Mr. Bynum spoke as follows:
Mr. B\ NUM. Mr. Speaker, I feel like making an apology to
the House for the very short time that I shall occupy its attention to-night. I should not occupy your attention at all were it
not that I have been very seriously distressed during the last
twenty-four hours; in fact, I did not rest well last night. I

returned to the Capitol this morning* to see whether I had been
guilty of such a grievous wrong as the gentleman from Colorado [Mr. PENCE] had accused me of on yesterday.
The gentleman from Colorado was born and reared in Indiana.
At what age he left the State I am not informed; but he claims
he imbibed his Democracy in the good old Hoosier State. I believe he claims he was born in Bartholomew County, surrounded,
as it is, by the Democratic counties of Jackson, Brown, Johnson,
and Shelby, the home of Mr. Hendricks and other prominent
Democratic lights in that State; not only from them, but from
Senator VOORHEES, Mr. COOPER, and myself.
He said that I made a speech in Denver in 1891; that he had
accepted the sentiments I had expressed as those of the true
faithi but on coming here he found me advocating the other side
of the question. I know he impressed the whole House with the
belief that he had been misguided and misled, and that his confidence had been misplaced; that I had probably been the cause
of his backsliding. I got up this morning to look over the Rocky
Mountain News and see exactly what the political principles of
the gentleman were and the platform upon which he came to
Congress. I had been under the impression from what he stated
that he was an enthusiastic, straight-out Democrat.
In looking over this paper I find that the Democratic party in
that State held a convention on the 14th of September last, and
it purports to have been the simon-jaure Democratic party who
held it, but by some means they nominated the Weaver electoral
ticket and bade farewell to Cleveland and to Harrison electors as
well. I find in the paper of that date a declaration of the convention, as follows:
The official and individual utterances and known publications of ex-PresIdent Cleveland and President Harrison have demonstrated that they are
alike opposed to free coinage at the existing ratios, and if either again be*
comes President he would veto such a measure shouli Congress pass one.

Now, the convention at that point seemed to have divided. A
portion went off and nominated a straight Democratic ticket and
adopted a straight Democratic platform. But the gentleman
from Colorado seems to have allied himself with the other wing
of the party, although under a Democratic banner it had nominated the Weaver electoral ticket.
A Congressional convention was called, in a short time, of the
Populists,and the Democrats,and of some other parties—I believe,
the White Wings—for they seem to have a number of parties out
there. The Rev. Myron W . Reed was nominated by the Populist party, but after a time that gentleman refused the nomination, and at this point the gentleman from Colorado [Mr. PENCEI
seems to have appeared upon the scene. 1 This was an unusual
It was not like our Democratic conventions in Indiana, where
the delegates come forward, a platform is adopted, and some one
put in nomination, and a nomination made and acceptance of the
nomination, because no one ever declines. The gentleman from
Colorado, however, was waited upon by a committee before the
nomination was made. They hunted up the gentleman to ascertain if he would stand on the platform they had made as their
candidate, and I wish to read what it was.
Besolved, That it Is the sense of the convention that all candidates whose

names are presented for the consideration of this convention, be requested
to come before this convention and state their position upon the following
planks in the national platform, to wit:
First. Are they in favor of the issue of money direct to the people without
the use of banking corporations and of a volume of *50 per capita.
Second. Are they in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver and
gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1?
Third. Are they in favor of the Government ownership of railroads, tele*
grapas, and telephones?
Fourth. Are they in favor of raising the revenue to defray tfce expenses
of the Government by a graduated Income tax?
Fifth. Will they support the principles contained in the Omaha platform,
and the platform adopted by the convention, and in Congress vote for the
People's party candidate for Speaker, and act with the majority of the
People's party Representatives upon all questions of legislation which may
come before Congress, should they be elected?

Now, I might have been mistaken as to the gentleman that
was called before that committee, but the Denver News accompanies all of its references to distinguished individuals with a
photograph, and I find here a very excellent photograph of the
gentleman which you will all recognize. [Laughter.]

P u t i t in t h e RECORD.

Mr. BYNUM. I will insert it in the RECORD hereafter.
Mr. PENCE. I would like to make an agreement now that
both of these photographs may go in side by side.
Mr. BYNUM. I want to read now what the gentleman said
and the position that he took at this particular time. The committee conferred with Mr, Pence, and made their report.
This report goes on:

Mr. Simmons reported that the conference committee was not likely to
reach any conclusion for an hour and an informal recess was taken. After
ilf teen minutes Lafe Pence was escorted in and was applauded as he walked
upto the platform.
The chairman read to him the resolution previously adopted.*
Mr. Pence said, with respect to the first clause of the resolution: "Yes.
so far as I am concerned. I can not speak for the others, but I favor it."
On the free-silver clause he said it was hardly necessary for him to be
asked. He was as strong a silver man as any on God's green earth, and he
answered, " Y e s . " With regard to the third proposition, he said it was
fraught with more difficulties than the others.
Many years ago he came to the conclusion that Government ownership of
telegraph lines was the proper thing. To this view be was converted by the
arguments of Nathaniel P. Hill of Colorado, to whom he felt indebted,
though that was the only question on-which Mr. Hill was absolutely right.
He said he would favor the people taking control of ithe railroads, but that
a constitutional amendment would probably have to be made.

That was a small matter of course. [Laughter.]
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time of the gentleman from
Indiana has expired.
Mr. PENCE. I ask most sincerely that unanimous consent
be given to the gentleman to continue.
Mr. BYNUM. I would like to have three or four minutes.
, The SPEAKER 'pro tempore. If there is no objection the
gentleman's time will be extended four minutes.
Mr. BYNUM (reading):
"Whenever it is legal,'* said he,
believe in it, not with the limitations
you hare fixed in these interrogations, not with the limitations of speakers
here, but with the limitations made by the Omaha platform upon which
Gen. Weaver was nominated. I am in favor of it. If I am not explicit
enough 1 hope questions will be asked me now, and not after I have gone."

The gentleman complained yesterday of so many coming up to
the "pie counter," and sustaining the views of the President.
He had not reached the pie counter at that time. He was only

taking crow. I want you to see how he took it. He seemed to
hanker after it.
Upon the income tax clause—

and so forth. I will not quote the gentleman upon that.
Upon the last section of the resolutions he said he would support the principles of the Omaha platform whether nominated or not. He would also
support the platform adopted by the convention. He asked for explanation
of the concluding sentences regarding future action if elected to Congress.
Mr. Staunton took the resolutions to make them clear. Mr. Van Dyke
thought time was being lost. Chairman Mills said he thought himself that
the resolution was entirely too sweeping, as it was binding a man too

Even the committee were afraid he would break down, but their
fears were groundless.
Mr. PENCE was enthusiastically applauded when he said he wished to be
exact, because what he was saying was a matter of record.
Mr. FENCE asked any man who wished to ask any questions to*do so.
Capt. Ezekiel asked how he stood on lead tariff. He replied: "Upon lead
and wool and other interests of Colorado I would ask the same protection as
for the interests and products of other States."

Lead, wool, and silver/l believe, take in all the interests of
Colorado. [Laughter.]
The tariff plank of the platform, with that exception, the
gentlemen was willing, I believe, to accept.
Mr. PENCE replied:

Upon lead and wool and other interests of Colorado I would ask for the
same protection as for the interests and products of other States.

[Applause on the Republican side.]
Another question was this:
Have you cut loose from the Democratic party?
Mr. PENCE replied that heretofore it had been his tenet that the Democratic
party represented those principles of government which were for the good
of the people. This year he had studied the platforms and the candidates
presented at Omaha, Chicago, and Minneapolis. He continued, "And having studied them I am compelled, for 1892, to leave the Democratic party and
to join with, the party that represents my principles."

Mr. Speaker, this is not Indiana Democracy. [Laughter.] I
know how eager the gentleman must have been to secure the
nomination. I know ho w anxious he was to answer all questions.
He was willing to turn his back upon those grand old principles
of Democracy that he had imbibed in his youth in Indiana, not
for the purpose of getting pie, but for the purpose of getting an
office. [Laughter.]
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time of the gentleman from
Indiana [Mr. BYNUM] has expired.
- Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, just a word of personal explanation.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Washington [Mr. WILSON] IS entitled to the floor.
Mr. PENCE. On a question of personal privilege I trust it
will not be denied me.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Washington [Mr. WILSON] is recognized.
Mr. PENCE. I will take not the fraction of a minute.
Mr. WILSON of Washington. Mr. Speaker, of course it is
right and proper for the gentleman from Colorado [Mr. PENCE]
and the gentleman from Indiana [Mr. BYNUM], who are both

trying to sustain their Democracy, to have a chance to be heard,
and I hope they will have the opportunity. [Laughter.]
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Washington is entitled to the floor. If he yields the floor
Mr. WILSON of Washington. Then I ask unanimous consent
that the gentleman from Colorado [Mr. PENCE] have four minutes to reply to the gentleman from Indiana.
Mr. S M l f H of Illinois. I object.
The SPEAKER pm tempore. Objection is made, and the gentleman from Washington [Mr. WILSON] is recognized.
Mr. WILSON of Washington. I have promised to yield to the
gentleman from Ohio [Mr. GROSVENOR] two minutes'.
Mr. PENCE. Can not the gentleman spare me thirty seconds?
Mr. WILSON of Washington. If the gentleman from Colorado will pardon me, I would be very glad to yield to him. but I
promised the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. GROSVENOR] to yield
two minutes to him. I have a half an hour's speech here myself
that I have been holding for several days [laughter], but if lean
do so, representing as I do a State that has no opportunity
to be heard on this floor as yet, I will try to yield one minute to
the gentleman from Colorado.
Mr. PENCE. May I ask who made the objection to the extension of four minutes to me?
TLD SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Illinois

[ M r . SMITH] o b j e c t e d .

Mr. PENCE. 1 understand the gentleman from Washington
[Mr. WILSON] yielded to me one minute?
Mr. WILSON of Washington. I meant after the gentleman
from Ohio [Mr. GROSVENOR] had concluded.
The SPEAKER pro tempore* The gentleman from Colorado
[Mr. PENCE] is not in order. The gentleman from Ohio [Mr.
GROSVENOR] is recognized for two minutes.
[Mr. GROSVENOR addressed the House, and his remarks will
appear hereafter.]
Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, in the minute which has been
given to me I want to inform the House respecting the action of
the political parties in Colorado. In a few seconds permit me to
say that the Democratic party of Colorado unanimously, through
its regular organization, indorsed and approved the course taken
as read by the gentleman from Indiana, [Mr. BYNUM], and that
Mr. Cleveland, the Democratic candidate, through his emissaries,
sent to Colorado and made a demand and command upon what
was called the 1 i White wing -1 of the Democracy to take down the
Democratic electors and support the Weaver electors. However, I had no part in that.
I shall not in this minute break in. but shnll save what I might
say for another time, when the gentleman will be sufficiently entertained, I hope; but I will say, so that it may go into the
RECORD to-morrow (and I do not want any of this suppressed),
that I make no denial of the utterances th it have been read, and
acknowledge and father every word of them; nor am I the man
at any time to shrink from any responsibility. I distinctly want it
understood that I said what was quoted, and when I said it I was
as sober as a judge. I want that to go in the RECORD in the morn216

ing. [Great laughter and applause in the House and in the galleries.]
The SPEAKER pro tempore* The time of the gentleman has
Mr. BYNUM. Mr. S p e a k e r —
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair desires to appeal
Mr. BYNUM. I rise to a question of personal explanation,
Mr. Speaker.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair appeals to members
to preserve order, and will state to the occupants of the galleries
that such demonstrations will not be allowed. They are contrary to the rules of the House, and can not be permitted. The
gentleman from Washington [Mr. WILSON] is recognized.
Mr. BYNUM. I rise to a personal explanation.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from Washington is recognized.
Mr. BYNUM. I demand the floor for a personal explanation.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Tl;e gentleman can not take the
floor on a question of personal explanation.
Mr. BYNUM. Of personal privilege.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman may be heard on
a question of personal privilege.
Mr. BYNUM. It is a question of personal privilege I mean.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair will hear the gentleman.
Mr. WILSON of Washington. Mr. Speaker, is the gentleman
from Indiana recognizedV
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman states that he
rises to a question of personal privilege.
Mr. BYNUM. I will not retain the floor more than a moment.
On yesterday I jocularly made a remark which possibly could
have been construed that I might have been entertained in a
manner that would render me unable to make a speech. I want
to say, Mr. Speaker, that that was uttered in a jocular way, and
I think so understood. Those who know me know, and the gentleman knows, that on that occasion there was not a soberer man
in Denver.
Mr. PENCE. I have said so; and I went to your friends last
night and suggested making such a statement.
Mr. BYNUM. Then you ought not to have cast any insinuation here.