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May 20, 1918

A regular st&tutery matt lag of tha Federal Advisory
Council was held in the Federal Reserve Board room, Metro­
politan Baak building, Washington, D.C., on Monday, May
20, 1918.

Janes B. Forgaa, President, in the chair,

L L Rue,

Vice-President, Messrs. D. G. Wing, J P Morgan, W S Rove, C A
Lyerly, F 0 Watts, E F Swinney, E P filmot, J R Mitchell and
Herbert Fleiahhacker, and Merritt H Grim, Secretary.

Mr. J W Norwood, because of illness.

The chair announcing that Mr. Norwood telegraphed his inability
to bo present because of illness on motion Mr Forgan was au
thorized to sead him a telegram expressiag the regret of the
mnbere at his illaeee and their hope for hie epeedy recovery.
Minutes of the Council meetings, held February 18th and
19th, and thoee of the Executiye Committee on earns dates, copiee
of which had been eeat to membere by the secretary, were oa motioa
The president preseated a letter frenGoveraor Hardiag, sub­

mitting for the Council's consideration certain topice
by the Federal Reserve Board.


He aleo etated that Governor

Harding and the members of the Federal Reserve Board would be pree•nt at eleven o'clock when the governor would probably announce
Mae additional topice for discuesioa.

latter is as


Governor Harding'e



of the Governor
April 29, 1918.

yy dear Mr. Forgan:Referring again to your letter of the 24th instant,
suggest, after consultation with members of the Board,
that the Advisory Council discuss the following:
I would


Curtailment of unnecessary credits.
The Board’s views on this subject, as far as matured,
can be found on page 260, et seq, of the Bulletin for April 1918.
The proper means of extending banking operations in
foreign countries.
This should involve a discussion cf foreign branches of
national banks having a million dollars or more of capital and
surplus, and banks organized to do a foreign banking business in
which national banks are stockholders to an amount not exceeding
10jt of their capital and surplus.
Foreign agencies of Federal Reserve banks and the prop­
osition to establish a Government Foreign exchange bank.
On this subject an interesting report has been submit­
ted by a committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the United
States, of which I presume you have a copy.

Senate Bill No. 4426, which the Board understands has
been favorably reported by the Senate Committee on Banking and
This bill provides for the levy and collection each
year from each national bank of a tax not in excess of one-tenth
of one per centum of the aggregate of all deposits averaging
$5,000 or less, and a tax not in excess of one-tenth of one per
centum on
,000 of the aggregate of each of the other deposits
averaging more than $5,000, in order to provide a fund for the
payment on not more than $5,000 to each depositor in a bank for
which a receiver has been appointed, whose claim has been estab­
lished. A copy of this bill is enclosed herewith.
There will no doubt be other matters of interest which
fill come up for discussion before the Council, but the foregoing
•mbodies everything that the Board has to suggest at the present
Very truly yours,
(Signed) W. P. G. Harding,
***• James B. Forgan,

President Federal Advisory Chicago, 111.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




The topics were than informally discussed until

lily 20, 1918, Cont.

11 o'cloek,


members of tho Federal Reserve Board arrived for a joint session.


Joint meeting of the
Federal Reserve Board and the
Federal Advisory Council
May 20, 1918


Governor W P G Harding, kes^ra. F M Warburg,

A C Miller, John S


F A Delano,

C S Hamlin and H Parker Willis, Secretary

of the Federal Reserve Board; and Messrs. J B Forgan, L L Rue,

D G Wing,

J P Morgan, W S Rowe, G A Lyerly, F 0 Watte, J R Mitchell, 2£ F Swinney,
S P Wilmot, Herbert Fleiehhacker and Merritt H Grim, secretary, of the
Federal Advisory Council.
Governor Harding addreesed the meeting, explaing to some extent
the Board's viewe on the topics submitted in his letter and also sug­
gested the following

as additional topice:

Trade Acceptancee
Bankers Accept emcee.
He also asked that the Council meet informally with the Directors of
the War Finance Corporation at a convenient time tomorrow.

At the

request of Mr. Lyerly, Mr. Williams, the Controller of the Currency,
addreesed the meeting on the subject of the Guaranty of National Bank
Deposits, his proposed bill for which, S 4426, is submitted by the
Board in the fourth topic.

Mr. Williams then spoke in favor of the

Joint s ta tio n , May 20, cont.

8#a0ur«, after which some informal discussion was had by those presentf


this and all the other topics submitted.

Governor Harding having to leave the meeting he asked Vice-Governor
fafburg to take the chair.
Mr Warburg spoke briefly on the necessity of restrictly unessential
c r e d i t s and suggested that the Council in thie connection should make a

recommendation as to whether Discount rates of Federal Reserve banks
should at this time be raised.
The joint session then adjourned.


Thereafter the Federal Advisory Council resumed its meeting and
proceeded to discuss the topics submitted by the Federal Rsserve Board,
with the idea that the Exe&tive Committee would formulate the views
expressed into suitable recommendations on all the topics.
Mr. Forgan because of his recent illness asked to be excused from
seating with the Executive Committee after adjournment of the Council
aaeting, and on motion of Mr. Fleishhacker, Mr. F. 0. JSfotts was requested
to act with the Executive Committee in formulating its report for this
On motion of Mr. L. L. Rue, duly seconded, the following recommen­

dation was unanimously adopted on Topic No. 1.
essary credits.":

"Curtailment of unnec­



May 2 0 ,1 9 1 8 , C o n t.

” Ths Federal Advisory Council concurs in the principle laid
iown and ths rscommsndations mads by ths Federal Rsssrre Board in re­
gard to tho conservation of credite and ve urge upon the bankers of
tho Country ths grsat importance ef their hearty cooperation in the
adoption of the policy as outlined by the Federal Ressrvs Bank in its
April bulletin. H
In rsgsrd to Topic No. 4,

S. Bill 4426, the Guaranty of National

Bank deposits, on motion of Mr F 0 Vatts, duly ssconded, the following rec­
omendat ion was approved by the Council,

Mr. C. A. Lyerly voting in

the negative:
” fe are oppesed to the principle of the guaranty of bank de­
posits, under whatever guise it may appear, and with the loss to deposi­
tors of national banks reduced as set out in the rsport of the Comptrollsr
if the Currency to three-one thousandths of one per cent and with the

Government offering the highest possible sscurity to indues ths use of
hoarded funds the necessity of such lsgislation ie net apparent. Ths
Couneil reaffirms its declaration of April 18, 1917, which said :
" 1 A plan might however be devised by ths Fsderal Reserve Board
Aich would provide for prompt relief to be given depositors of failed
***ber banks. * "
( This however

w b .e

changed by the Executive Committee and appears

kter in the printed recommendations as modified. )

It was decided that the Council should not at this time make
any raoommsndation on the subject of

"Trade Acceptances. M

After discussion of the other topics they vere referred to
tho Sxeoative Committee to formulate recommendations in accord­
ance with the views expressed and to report at next meeting of the
The Chair was requested to make arrangements with the Federal
Reserve Board for a joint session tomorrow to wceive the Council's
recommendations and also with the Directors of the War Finance Corpora­

On motion of Mr. Swinney, the Council adjourned until ten

o'clock tomorrow morning, May 21st .

S ecreta ry .


Minutes of a meeting
ef the
Executive Committee

The Federal Advisory Council.

May 20, 1918

Ths Executive Committee met after adjournemnt of the Couneil
aeating and proceeded to formulate tentative recommendations on the
topics submitted based on the views expressed by Council
at its meeting.


Ur. Hue was authorised to present the Committee's

report to the meeting tomorrow if Mr Forgan was not present,

ftsa recommendations as finally adopted at Council meeting May 21st.


Minutes sf netting
The Federal Advisory Council

May 21, 1913.

Council net at ten o'oleek in the Federal Reserve Board room
ia arranged.
present: Messrs. James B. Forgan, President, in the chair,


Rue, Yice-Preeident, D. G. Wing, J P liorgan, W S Rewe, C A Lyerly,
FO fatts, S F Swinney, S P Wilmet, J R Mitchell, Herbert Fleiehhacker,
«*d Merritt H. Grin, Secretary.

Mr J f Norwood, because of illneee.

Ths ehair laid before the Council the Sxecutive Committee's report
ih ic h was c a r e f u l l y

considered, after which the following recommenda­

tions were finally approved by the Council and ordered submitted to
the Federal Reserve Beard at the joint meeting arranged for eleven


r ,-Ar,, , p ..... ,



., ^


See printed recoimaendations hereto attached.
The Council then adjourned pending the arrival of the Federal
Reserve Board.

S e cre ta ry .

M ay 21.


T O P I C N O . I— Curtailment of unnecessary credits.

Recom m endation:
The Federal Advisory Council concurs in the principle laid down and
the recommendations made by the Federal Reserve Board in regard to the
conservation of credits and we urge upon the bankers of the country the
great importance of their hearty co-operation in the adoption of the policy
as outlined by the Federal Reserve Board in its April Bulletin.

T O P I C N O . 2 — T h e proper means of extending banking operations in
foreign countries.
This should involve a discussion of foreign branches of
national banks having a million dollars or more of capital and surplus, and
banks organized to do a foreign banking business in which national banks
are stockholders to an amount not exceeding ten per cent of their capital
and surplus.
The Council believes that member banks and banks authorized to do
a foreign business in which member banks are stockholders should be en­
couraged to take care of the foreign business of the country during the
continuance of the war.
T he Council reaffirms its statement made on February 19, 1917, as
“ T he Council recommends that the foreign business of the Federal
Reserve Banks should for the present be conducted through correspondents
and that neither agencies nor branches should be established in foreign coun­
tries by any Federal Reserve Bank until world conditions are more settled
and until the efficiency of the service rendered by correspondents be thor­
oughly tested.”

T O P I C N O . 3 — Foreign agencies of Federal Reserve Banks and the
proposition to establish a government foreign exchange bank. O n this sub­
ject an interesting report has been submitted by a committee of the Chamber
cf Commerce of the United States, of which I presume you have a copy.
The Council is of the opinion that it would be unwise under present
conditions to establish a government foreign exchange bank or for the Federal
Reserve Board to undertake to regulate foreign exchange operations further
than it is now doing in connection with the Treasury Department.

—8 —

unanimously endorse the recommendations of the Federal Reserve Board
that Federal charters be granted to banks which are now engaged in foreign
banking business, the stock of which is owned by member banks.

T O P I C N O . 4 — Senate Bill N o . 4 4 2 6 which the Board understands
has been favorably reported by the Senate Committee on Banking and Cur­
Gotli Congress, 2(1 Session.

Calendar No. 368
S. 4426
(Report No. 407.)

April 23, 1918.
Mr. Shafrotli introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to tlie
Committee on Banking and Currency.
April 24, 1918.
Reported by Mr. Owen, without amendment.

To amend and reenact section fifty -tw o hundred and th irty -fiv e and fifty -tw o hundred and
th irty-six of the Revised Statu tes of the U nited S ta tes by providing for a guaranty
fund for payment of certain deposits, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R epresentatives of the United States
of America in Congress assem bled, T h at section fifty -tw o hundred and thirty-five and
fifty -tw o hundred and th irty -six of the Revised S ta tu te s of the United States be. and
they are hereby, amended and reenacted to read as fo llo w s:

” Sec. 5235.
T hat the com ptroller shall, upon appointing a receiver, cause notice
0 to be given, by advertisement in such newspapers as he m ay direct, for three consecu7 live months, calling on all persons who m a y have claim s against such association to
8 present the same and to make legal proof thereof. A t the expiration of thirty days
9 after such notice has been first published the com ptroller shall pay in full the claim
10 of each depositor which has been proven to his satisfa ction , or which has been adjudi11 cated in a court of com petent jurisdiction and which does not exceed the sum of $5,000,
12 and shall pay* the sum of $5,000 to each depositor whose claim has been established
13 as herein provided and w hich is in excess of th a t am ou n t.
Such paym ents shall be
1 4 made by the comptroller ou t of m on eys deposited to his credit by the receiver and by
15 the Secretary o f the Treasury as hereinafter provided. The Secretary of the Treasury
16 shall advance £0 the comptroller, out of funds in the T reasury not otherwise appro17 priated, such s iim o r sums as m ay be necessary to enable him to make the payments
18 herein provided fori - : ‘

‘'Sec. 5236.
From tim e to tim e, a fte r full provision has been first made for refunding to the United S tates any deficiency in redeeming the notes of such association,
the comptroller shall make a ratable dividend of the m oney paid over to him by such
receiver on all such claims as m ay have been proved to his satisfaction or adjudicated
in a court of competent jurisdiction, which have not been paid in full as provided in
section, tifty.^two hundted and thirty-five of the Revised S ta tu te s as herein amended,
and as the proceeds of the assets of such association are paid over to him he shall
make furiher dividends on all unpaid claim s previously proved or adjudicated, and the
remainder’ of the., proceeds, if any, a fte r all claim s against the estate of the bank have
been paid or satisfied, shall be used to reimburse the T reasury for advances made as
provided in «aid section fifty -tw o hundred and th irty -fiv e as herein amended, and the
balance, if any, shall be paid over to the shareholders of such shares, or their legal
representatives, in proportion to the stock by them , respectively, held.
In order to
indemnify the United S tates against loss 011 account ot advances made as herein provided and to provide funds for the purpose of m aking such advances, there shall be
levied and collected yearly from each n ational bank a tax not in excess of o n e -t e n t h
of one per centum 'of ttie aggregate of all deposits a v r rnping $3,000 or less, and a ia\
not in excess of one-te-ivth. of,. one per centum on $5,000 of the aggregate o f each of the
other deposits averaging more than $5,000.
‘‘N o deposit bearing over four per centum

interest per annum shall be the beneficiary of this A c t.”

W e are opposed to the guaranty of bank deposits in any form believ­
ing it to be wrong in principle.

In as much as the official report of the Comp­

troller of the Currency shows the loss to depositors in failed national banks
to be less than three one-thousandths of one per cent, during the last three
years and with the Government offering the highest possible security to in­
duce the use of hoarded funds the necessity of such legislation is not apparent.
The Council reaffirms its declaration of April 18th, 1917, which said:


plan might however be devised by the Federal Reserve Board which would
provide for prompt relief to be given depositors of failed member banks.”
(Passed with one dissenting vote.)

T O P I C N O . 5— Bankers Acceptances.
This Council is of opinion that the use of bankers acceptances should
be encouraged and developed as it will be of great service to the country
in meeting its necessary financial requirements particularly during the period
of the war.

In order to accomplish this legislation may be necessary grant­

ing the banks greater accepting power.

Every effort should be made to en­

courage and develop a broad open discount market for these acceptances.

T O P I C N O . 6 — Discount rates.

It is the opinion of the Council that in view of the large payments for
taxes and government bonds which will be made shortly it is undesirable
at this time to change the discount rates at the Federal Reserve Banks.

The following members of the Federal Advisory Council were present
at this meeting:

President, James B . Forgan, in the chair; Vice-President,

L. L . R u e ; D . G . W in g , J. P . Morgan, W . S. Rowe, C . A . Lyerly,
F. O . W atts, J. R .

Mitchell, E . F. Swinney, E .

Fleishhacker, and Merritt H . Grim, Secretary.

— 10 —

P . W ilm ot, Herbert

Minut 68 ctf

Joint Meeting

The Federal Reserve Beard

The Federal Advisory Council.
May 21, 1918

As arranged a joint seeeion of the Federal Reserve Board and the
federal Advisory Council vas held in the Board room at eleven


May 21, 1913.

Messrs. P M //arburg, Vice-Governor, in

the Chair,


Delano, A C Miller, C S Hamlin, J S Williams and H Parker Willis,
Secretary of the Federal Reserve Board; and Messrs. J B Forgan, L L Rue,
D G Wing, J P iiorgan, £ 3 Rowe,

C A Lyerly, F 0 v/atts,

2 F Svinney,

E P Wilaet, J R Mitchell, Herbert Fleishhacker, and kerritt H. Grim,
Secretary, of the Federal Advisory Council.
Mr Warburg asked Mr. Forgan to make the report of the Federal Ad­
visory Council.

Accordingly Mr. Forgan read the Council's recommenda­

tions as adopted, after vhich the members of both boards freely dis­
cussed them.

Conqptroller Williams again addressed the meeting in favor

of the guaranty of bank deposits.
At the request of Mr. *ferburg the members of the Council indi­
vidually reported on conditions obtaining in their various Federal Re­
serve Districts, after which Mr. Forgan announced that the Council
vould meet with

the Directors of the tfar Finance Corporation in the

Board room at Two P M for an informal conference.

The taseting them



Minutes of Joint Meeting
with ths
Directors of ths Ha.r finance Corporation
and the Federal Advisory Council.
May 21, 1913

As arranged a joint meeting of the directors of the War Finance
Corporation and the Federal Advisory Council was held in the Federal
Reserve Board room at 2 F k,

uay 21, 1918

M I G Harding, Vice-President and General Manager,

Messrs. Eugene Meyer, Jr., C & Leonard, and McLain, directors of the
H/ar Finance Corporation; and -ossrs. D G «7ing, J P Morgan, L L Hue,
f S Rowe, C A Lyerly, J B Forgan, F 0 Watts, J R Mitchell,

P Wilmot,

Herbert Fleishhacker, and lierritt H Grim, Secretary, of the Federal
Advisory Council.
Mr. J B Forgan called the meeting tc order and asked Mr. Harding
if he would outline anything he had in mind for discussion.

Mr* Hard­

ing addressed the meeting and the other directors also made statements
and propounded some questions for discussion, on which the advice of the
members of the Council would be welcome.

Members of the two bodies

then freely expressed their individual views in regard to the problems
confronting the War Finance Corporation in performing its functions in
accordance with the Act of Congress under which it was created.
The meeting adjourned at four P M.
