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At a regular meeting of tho Federal Reserve
Board held in the office of the Board at 11.45 a. m.,
on Monday, October 4,
Mr. Delano, presiding

Mr. Warburg

Mr. Williams

Mr. Harding

Mr. Willis, Secretary.
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of
September 30 were read and approved.
The minutes of the PIxecutive Committee meeting of October 2 were read and approved, and the actions therein taken ratified.
The minutes of the meetings of September 2d
and 3d wore laid on the table.
A letter from Deputy Federal Reserve Agent
McCaleb relative to the status of the Texas City National Bank in regard to its application for fiduciary
powers was read, noted and ordered filed.
The question of the control of Federal reserve notes deposited in the subtreasury at New Orleans,
which had been made a special order for this meeting,
was on motion laid on the table.


A report made by Federal Reserve Agent
Bosworth of Chicago, relative to certain charges
preferred by A. W. Green against the firm of Armour and Company, was read to the Board.
Mx. Williams moved that


Bosworth be

asked to make a supplementary report, giving the
result of a consultation to be held with Llr. Green.
Mr. Delano offered as a substitute a motion to send
the papers in the case to Mr. Miller, a

member of

the Board, now in Chicago, for investigation.


motion was lost.
Mr. Harding moved to refer the papers back
to Mr. Williams.

On being put to vote, the motion

prevailed, and the papers were ordered so referred.
Mr. Williams was recorded as not voting.
The Secretary of the Board was directed to
acRnowledge Mr. Bosworth's report, and to say that no
further action is contemplated at present.
On motion applications for Federal reserve
notes, duly recommended by the Committee on Issue
and Redemption, were approved as follows:
For the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas -


:'1,460,000. in the following denominations:
v5 denomination


For the Federal Reserve Bank of lanneapolis,
000,000 in the following denominations:


The Secretary of the Board presented a memorandum from Counsel relative to the question of hearings in the case of certain Louisiana banks which had
'andied for transfer from the Dallas to the Atlanta
General discussion of the power of the Board
to "review" the work of the Organization Committee, and
of its general power to "readjust" Federal reserve districts, ensued.

On motion the whole subject was made

a special order for the next :neetinc- of the Board, it
being understood that the Governor should be asked to
draft a letter to the Louisiana banks for submission
to the Board, expressive of its view of the situation.
A report submitted by Federal Reserve Agent
Jay regarding the German-American Cilk4mber of Commerce


and its secretary, was referred to the Executive
Committee of the Board with instructions to consuit with Counsel and transmit a suitable answer.
The question of authorizing rediscounts
at the New Orleans Branch on behalf of the Hibernia Bank and Trust Company, of New Orleans, v as
laid an the table until a fuller meeting of


Qn recommendation of the Committee on
jtaff, the salary of Li.. J. 7. Jhea was advanced

6O to ,C)5 per month, the increase to be ef-

fective as of this date.
On motion it was voted, in accordance
with the Irevious action of the Board, that the
service of Wil1im C. Evans, Jr., a messenger employed by the Board, be terminated on rovembor 1,
without prejudice.
On motion rates of discount named by Federal reserve banks were approved ds follows:
For the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas
City, commodity paper 3,43, effective October 4th.
For the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,


, trade acceptances :51, up to 60 da:7s, and 4


60 to 90 days, effective October 7th.
A letter from the Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco with reference to the general question of rates on commodity paper, was referred to
Mr. Delano and Mr. Warburg as a special committee,
with instructions to report on the same.
A letter from Deputy Federal Reserve Agent
licCaleb xelative to the Central State Bank and Trust
Company's applicaAion for admission to the system,
was laid on the table pending the receipt of a letter
from the president of that company.
An opinion of Counsel with reference to the
legal status of the request of the South Bend National
Bank that the Board arbitrate between it and the Comptroller of the Currency, was referred to a special
committee consisting of Mr. Warburg and Mr. Harding
for report.
On motion the reports of the Committee on
State Banks recommending the non-admission of the
Bank of Sumter, O. C., and the admission of the Commercial Trust and Savings Bank of Joliet, Ill., and


the admission of the flank of Hartsville, s. C.,
were approved, it being understood that the general conditions relating to the status of branches
imposed upon all applying banks, should also be
applied where applicable in the case of the two banks
whose admission was authorized.
The question of appointing a committee to
attend the meetin,7, of the Governors of reserve banks
at Minneapolis, was laid on the table pending a fuller meeting of the Board.
On motion the opinion of Counsel relative
to the limit of liability of banks as acceptors on
behalf _of any one person, was referred to Er. Warburg
for report.
it letter from Honorable 7j.


Smith, ad-

dressed to 'Secretary EcAdoo, relative to methods of
making cotton loans, was road to the Board, and on
motion ordered referred back to the Governor of the
Board, at whose direction it had been presented.
A letter from 2ederal aesurve Agent Ingle
asking for more complete definition of farm land
loans, was referred to Yr. Harding for consideration
and report.


A letter from Federal "7.eservo


respecting the method of passing upon a:Tlicatiors of

national banks, was read to the Board, and

its contents noted.
letter from 1.1r. J. T. Carroll, addressed
to the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to the best
Liethed of mooting the requirement

of the farmers in

the Minrerrolis 61J‘trict, was ordered refer:ed to Federal Reserve :Lgent aich for re2ert.
The jecretary of the Board reaa to the Board
certain resolutions recently adopted by the National
Association of Credit ;,;en, and was direrltod to achnowledge the same with thanks.
The jecretary of the Board road a letter of
inquiry from Governor 2hoads of Philadelphia, relative
to the question of gettinL: the Treasury Deartment to
issue interim certificates for new thirty-year 32:, bonds.
On motio,i the matter was referred back to Lr. 7;arburg
for such action as he may deem best.
The form of a letter prepared by Counsel
with reference to 1.:r. L. V. Lei hton

relative to the

use of the word "Federal" by State institutions, was


approved and its transmis ion ordered.
The secretary of the Board presented a request from the United Press for a statement regarding
existing conditions inthestock market.

The matter

was laid on the table without action.
On motion

1:30 p. m. the Board adjourned

meet at 11:00 a. in, on Wednesday,').1tober 6
