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mettinj; of the L;.ecttive Jommittee of the leaeral
Zeserve 1.:oard held in the office of the lovernor O. ?riday,

at 10.30, LM.,

r. Hardins.,

.illiz, ,,ecretarzr.

Present also,

Joansel of the Lord.
:'. J. .A.liott,

lovernor HardinL; presented basiness, ard action was
t._,ken thereon as follcms:
letter from loverror .;clay with reference to the new
tax at the rate of to cents per -,;100 on credit instrar:entz,
and in airinz as to an exemption :or notes secired by T,ibert:,Bonds was read and it dal: informally a2reed to sec what coaid
be done as to an a-aend:ftent to the law.
4, letter from the Jomptroller of the ,arrency iniirin
as to whether members of the bo_rd have re,laests for infornation which they woald like to have obtained at the next call,

ell as a letter from the Lecretar:r of the "reasary trans-

Ilitting a letter from a. Thomas 3. Lpencer of the Travelers
-ife Insarance Jompan7, Lt, to his experience with the second
,iberty Loan, %ere read.

It was informally a:reed to ask the


J;omotroller to inaire of the national banks 'hether any
loansa.:e being made by them for the p'Irnose of v:ithholdins cotton, wheat and other food prod:lets fro!r, mrket, also
the amont of ':roverwrnent bonds and obligations carried for
their own accoAnts, and the a!:loant loaned to sabsCribers

Governent oLlitioi



It waS Llso

voteci in this connection to doket at the meeting of the
:.oard this day the q,aestion of withdrawing the :oard's corl-Aodity
- letter fron 1)ei.ty
a letter fr-)m :r. ;h%s.

overnor 'The:7%n tr,nsnittin

. 'Tiffany statiln:7 that thetain

of a 61anish vessel hA. obtained. -.:;15,00C) in :Told, was read,
and it was a7eed to refer the nLtter to the Lecitive
„. ...:o=ittee sitting*

the '.3old

rort J.crInittee,

letter from ?ederal Iteserve *ent Wellborn transmitting certa n compl:,ints concernin
Zavannah made by the 'jhelby charges at
jornixAny, was referred

back to -Ammittee :7o. I with the sxestion tht the matter
be dealt with. n


letter from

evi Orleans.
Delno tr%ns7-littin

report of

comnittee of treas:tr7 officers with reference to ;,:old 1.,u.
nent3 by the Treasqry, was ordered docketed for the ford's


this afternoon.
, letter from -ssistant ,e3ret:,ry of the TreaLary

Crosby 413 to certificate!, of indebtednecs for lar,jc tz


'aas laid on the table.
letter. from

Parshall zis to apnoint-tent on
was r(ad and notcd.

d of the .Tittsol.rjh
the .10a

'of fidz3iary rowers for rea York Lnd -AnnThe ‘aectio,
coot:. 1):_n5, orJered refc:.-red to the

ttorney "rencr.1 of the

gnitcd .tates, was dis(rassed aith Counso

nd Soansel dir(oted

Cotton, the lovernor to "rite a

to corliAanicate with

letter to the President ackin,3 for the slbrion of tae rr-tter.
nenorandam :..13 to the prerLration of a 1- ro,;.r.a-,71.e for
the net meetin,s of the 2e1eral -dvisory CoahJil, referred to
the lovernor by the Board, was discatsed ,_ .nd the lovernor azIsed
the !ambers for sa=estionb.
letter fro-I
ein ec



Jo., relative to for-

ead and noted.

4. letter from the President transmittir; 4 letter from
the ,',ttorney 7,eneral of the 'Thited .dtatc


on z..n op-

inion of the ,Atorney ,lencral of .annezota, who had Jeld thL.t
State banks and trast co:ftpanies in that LAate"are rrohibited


their capital and

by law frrt investino !sore than

was read and notc:i,

usrplLs in Liberty 330T1

1 reenleaf of Lawrence,
r. J. i.;..,

letter from

Kansas, addressed to the 2ecre

L of the 7rea ury, and

statin3. that tire deposits now carried in natiOnal bans
interest cozld be 'turned into new cha nels if the'
?ederal deserve Lanks would c t their own


read and noted.

federal deserve

the payment of sold certificates at the




„ was
ry „Lathori-

read and it was agreed to consul
ties on the subject.
letter from the .;omptr 1
transmittin,a letter

nrA th

of the 2.urr icy


cadent of Banks.

of (YAio as to advice ziven by national banks to state
bankers aaiist joini

the 2ed ral reserve syst


read and it was afreed to siest to the Jomptro ler to
take no action at the present.
letter from ir. d. S. Black transmitted by .
?rank £s Vanderlip as to the nttcr of deposit ng lovcrnment bonds with banks, and docuients prepared by
sel of the Board relat

to the

S4 R,

were presented and

rrs r
11...„..! •

Governor HardinL' rerorted the result of an inforal
conference held on Lovember 1 with Detroit lx„nkers relative
. branch in Detroit.
to the establislrftent ofI

On motion,

t 11.30 a.m. the Jommittt.e adjoa Led.