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At a regular meeting of the rlederal
Reserve Board held in the office of the Board
at 11:10 a. m., on Monday, April 3,
Ir. Hamlin, presiuing

Mr. Harding

rd.. Delano

ix. Miller

LI.. Allen, Jecretary.
The minutes of the meeting of March
31 were read and approved.
2ormal approval was given to the request of tne Calcasieu National 111111> of aouthwest Louisiana,

or tomporary fiduciary powers,

a resolution covering the swae having, on March
31 been initialed by members of the Board. The
resolution was as follows:
WHEREA'J, The Calcasieu Trust and
javings Bank has applied to the Comptroller of the Gurreney, under Jection
5154 of the Revised jtatutes, as amended by Jection 8 of the 2ederal Reserve
Act, for authority to convert into a
national bank, under the name of the
Calcasieu National Bank of Jouthwest
Louisiana, and


WHZREA3, It appears that as a
state bank the said Calcasieu Trust
and Savings Bank has legally been appointed to act in certain fiduciary
capacities which involve the execution
of certain continuing duties, and
WHEREAS, Application has been made
to the Federal Reserve Board under Section 11(k) of the Federal Reserve Act
for permission to act as trustee, executor, administrator, and registrar of
stocks and bonds, but such application
has not been formally acted upon pending further investigation by the Federal
Reserve Bank of Atlanta,
the Calcasieu Trust and Savings Bank be
and it is hereby granted permission to
continue to discharge as a national bank
all those fiduciary obligations which it
has assumed prior to its conversion into
a national bank, and which may properly
be exercised under the law by a trustee,
executor, administrator, or registrar of
stocks and bonds, it being understood,
however, that any fiduciary relation assumed by said bank which does not come
within the authority of Section 11(k)
of the Federal Reserve Act shall be adjusted or terminated within a reasonable time so as to conform to the provisions of law applicable to all national banks.
A request for information as to the
situation of the requested transfer of Wiscon-

sin banks to the Chicaro District was presented and the Secretary directed to state that the
matter would await the return of absent members
Of the Board.
A memorandum in re Payments of dividends by Federal reserve banks, payments upon
new stock subscriptions and payments upon stock
surrendered, prepared by the Chief of the Division of Audit and RYamination, was approved to
be sent to Federal reserve banks for their information and guidance, when it should be determined that the memorandum did not conflict
with instructions already given to the Federal
reserve banks upon the question of dividend payments.
The request of the Comptroller of the
Currency for an extension to April 30 in the
time of employment of two money counters originally engaged for sixty days, the employment
Of whom began on February 17, 1916, recommended

41 4,

by the Committee on Staff, was approved by
the Board.
A letter from the 2ederal Reserve
Bank of Minneapolis, calling attention to restrictions as to rediscounting imposed on member banks which are depositories of Indian funds,
was referred to Yr. Miller that he might take
the matter up with the Secretary of the Interior.
An opinion of Counsel as to the maturity and eligibility for purchase of warrants of
the city of Bath, Maine, maturing August 3, 1916,
but subject to an interest penalty prior to that
date, was ordered sent to the Cleveland bank.
Governor Hamlin presented a letter
from the Third National Bank of Union City, Tennessee protesting because acceptances purchased
by the 5t. Louis it'ederal Reserve Bank were charged back to the account of the bank on date of
maturity, was referred to the Committee on Operation for the St. Louis Bank.

A letter from the Comptroller of the
Currency as to a proposed amendment prohibiting
the use of the word "Federal" as a name for
banks, was read and the Secretary directed to
obtain copies of the amendment prepared by the
Board and the amendment prepared by the Comptroller of the Currency for circulation among
mombers of the Board.

The matter was made a

Special order for consideration on April 4th.
Mr. Delano presented a request of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland to be
Permitted to extend its limitation in the purchase of warrants by taking 11,200,000 of
ninety day warrants of the State of Kentucky
on a 2:1% basis, this being one-third of an
issue of .3,600,000.

This was approved and

Mr. Delano requested to notify the bank.
A letter from the Secretary of the
New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce relative
to a referendum to be taken among National


banks as to the advisability of a central bank
or continuing under the Federal Reserve Act,
was referred to Mr. Delano and Mr. Miller.
A proposed increase in rates of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City requesting
approval effective Friday, April 7, was referred
to Mr. Delano.
A letter from Mr. Wellborn forwarding
act of the Alabama Legislature authorizing State
banks to join the Federal Reserve System, was
ordered filed.
A letter from the Port Scott State
Bank, Fort Scott, Kansas, complaining that the
call of the Comptroller of the Currency of March
7, and the call of the Kansas State Bank Commissioner of March 24, laid upon it an inconvenience
and expense, was referred to Er. Harding that he
might take the matter up with the Comptroller.
The matter of a possible postponement
of the meeting of Governors of Federal reserve

banks in Washington on April 12, was left to
Mr. Delano with power to act.
At 12:05 p. m., the Board adjourned
to meet at 11:00 a. m., on Tuesday, April 4.


