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Howard E. Bowen, president, and John C. Dawson, assistant pro­
fessor of economics, Grinnell College
We shall discuss Federal expenditures for education with special
reference to the role of education in economic growth. Limitations
of both space and competence prevent us from dealing with educa­
tion at all levels. So we have chosen to limit our subject chiefly to
higher education. We do not imply thereby th at elementary and
secondary education are less urgent or less im portant than higher

d u c a t io n



c o n o m ic


row th

Economic growth can be defined as increasing the provision of
goods and services to be enjoyed by our people. Throug the develop­
ment of our economy, we expect the various categories of consump­
tion—including both private consumption and collective services—to
grow with the economy. One important category of consumption is
education. I t is a part of our standard of living, and increasing the
supply and quality of education is one of the end products of eco­
nomic growth. B ut education is not only an end product of grow th;
it is also a cause of economic growth.
The ability of a country to produce is determined by the quantity
and quality of its land, capital, and labor and by the degree of effi­
ciency in the use of these productive resources. Of these resources,
labor is ultimately the most important. B ut it takes more than liv­
ing bodies to constitute a productive labor force. The millions of
people in India or China do not make up a highly productive labor
force. And great population increases in such countries do not ini­
tiate rapid growth in ability to produce. H igh productivity requires
that a population be physically healthy and well educated. Eco­
nomic growth derives prim arily from improvements in health and
education—and health itself is largely a product of education. No
country has ever been able to achieve high economic status without
high educational status. The importance of education is readily seen
when one compares the productivity of countries with similar natural
resources but with differing human characteristics; for example, Nor­
way and Chile, Israel and Syria, Turkey and Egypt, and the United
States and China.
I t is no accident that the United States, which has led the world in
education, should also have led the world in economic productivity.
And it is no accident that the rapid economic growth of the U. S. S. E.
has followed closely upon its new and growing emphasis upon educa­
tion. Indeed, progress in Soviet productivity began with their new
educational program and has proceeded about in proportion to their
educational achievement.



Evidence that education—even in small amounts—has the effect of
increasing productivity is found in statistics on the annual income
of persons with varying amounts of education. (See table 1.) Ac­
cording to these statistics, persons with an eighth-grade education
earn income (and presumably produce) more than double the amount
earned by those with no formal education, and high-school graduates
receive almost three times as much as those with no schooling. Paul
C. Glick and Herman P. Miller, of the Bureau of the Census, have
estimated that a college education adds on the average $91,000 to the
lifetime earnings of individuals over the average earnings of highschool graduates. I t should be added that this return is the result of
an initial investment of perhaps $16,000.
From the economic point of view, education is an important kind
of capital investment. The investment takes the form of human
characteristics instead of bricks, mortar, and machinery. The effect
on production, however, is the same. For this reason the education
our people have received may properly be regarded as one of our
greatest national assets. And the process of educating the young
may be regarded as our most potent form of capital investment.
T a b l e 1. — Median income in 1949, for males H years old and over, 6 y years of

school completed
M ed ia n

M ed ia n

Years of school completed:
in c o m e
Years of school completed—con. i n c o m e
0________________________ $1,108
9 to 11__________________ $2,917
1 to 4____________________ 1, 365
1 2
5 to 7____________________ 2, 035
13 to 15__________________ 3, 522
8________________________ 2, 533
16 or more_______________ 4,407
Source : See technical notes.

The mere abilities to read, write, and calculate are of great impor­
tance for those who are to enter industrial employment or to conduct
modern agriculture. To be able to read signs, or to comprehend
written instructions, or to carry out simple calculations are obvious
requisities to almost any kind of skill. A rudimentary knowledge
of science has innumerable applications in everyday life. Training
in manual arts, household management, agriculture, and other skills
have of course a direct bearing on productivity.
But education is perhaps as important in its effects upon people’s
aspirations and motives as upon their skills. Knowledge of the world
about them tends to enlarge their perspectives and to raise their
aspirations. By presenting the new and the different, education frees
people from dependence on custom and thus opens the way to chang­
ing methods of production. By teaching them about the nature of
the world, it emancipates them from superstition and permits them
to utilize the benefits of scientific knowledge. By showing that prog­
ress for the individual is possible, it leads to the desire to get ahead
and thus to the willingness to work. Education helps people become
interested in distant goals, to plan ahead, to prepare for the future,
and to save. I t also helps them to develop self-discipline and respon­
sibility. And it makes people more intelligent, imaginative, and
adaptable. All of these results of education have the most profound
significance for economic growth.
We conclude that economic growth cannot be maintained in the
long run unless there is also an increase in both the number of persons



receiving education and in the amount of education they receive.
And it is probable that to achieve economic growth of any given
amount requires a proportionate increase in both the extent and depth
of education. I f the educational requirements of growth are not met,
then the growth must eventually come to an end simply because there
is a limit to the economic productivity of people of a given level of
education. In this sense, investment in people is fully as necessary as
investment in things if economic growth is to be achieved.

ig h e r


d u c a t io n a n d


c o n o m ic


row th

In an advancing industrial economy, there is a steadily expanding
need for persons of great skill and ability. T hat is why higher edu­
cation, not only at the college level but at the postgraduate and pro­
fessional levels, is in rapidly growing demand.
There are several reasons for the rapidly increasing demand for
highly educated persons.
First, the increasing use of automatic machinery steadily eliminates
unskilled jobs and requires that more people be engaged in designing,
manufacturing, and repairing machines and in supervising their
operation. In effect we are steadily transforming the jobs of our
country from direct manual labor with simple tools to indirect labor
at technical, supervisory, and organizational levels. This trend can
be seen most clearly in agriculture where the man behind the plow has
become a combination engineer and businessman. The trend is also
clearly visible in the statistics on occupations. The percentage of
unskilled workers in the labor force declined from about 85 percent
in 1910 to 22 percent in 1950. During the same period, the percentage
of professional and managerial persons increased from about 11 per­
cent to 17 percent. The number of persons in the latter group in­
creased from about 4 million to nearly 10 million.1
Second, the increasing degree of specialization and division of labor
in an advancing economy requires ever more activities relating to com­
munication among the parts of the economy. Examples are the
activities of middlemen, brokers, advertising men, salesmen, agents,
purchasing agents, organized markets, journalists, the banking and
monetary system, and the communications industries. Each of these
activities requires thousands of educated and knowledgeable persons.
W ithout them an advanced economy would break down because it
could not function as an articulated whole.
Third, the development of large business firms, involving the co­
ordination and teamwork of thousands of persons, requires great
numbers of managers, supervisors, lawyers, foremen, accountants, per­
sonnel workers, public relations officials, clerks, and secretaries all of
whom must be well educated.
Fourth, the increased scope of government, itself largely a result
of the growth and increasing complexity of the economy, adds to the
need for administrators, lawyers, economists, scientists, accountants,
skilled m ilitary personnel, clerks, secretaries, etc.
F ifth , scientific research and development which is an integral part
of economic growth requires enormous numbers of scientists, en­
1 Available data are not strictly comparable throughout the entire p e rio d ; hence these
percentages are approxim ations. See technical notes for sources.



gineers, technicians, and their aids—all of whom must have substan­
tial amounts of education.
Sixth, as a country grows richer, people are able to afford increased
quantities of goods and services which can be produced only by edu­
cated people. Examples are medical and dental care, entertainment,
art objects, music, books, high-style clothing, interior decoration,
repair and maintenance of cars and appliances, air travel, etc. Also
as a country grows richer, it can afford more education, and the need
for teachers of all kinds increases.
Finally, seventh, the growth of knowledge itself results in greater
need for education if people are to be able to function in a society
where this knowledge is in general currency. The explosive increase
in the number of words currently used in the English language is a
symptom of the increasing educational demands placed upon the
individual in our society.2
T h e F in a n c ia l P roblem


H igher E


The United States faces an acute crisis in higher education. The
crisis will be precipitated by three factors: (1) the high birthrate
starting in the 1940’s; (2) the increasing proportion of young people
who would like to go to college; and (3) the increasing, or changing,
educational needs of our country. Each of these factors operates in
the direction of enlarging the demand for higher education. There
are few corresponding factors working in the direction of increasing
the supply of teachers, buildings, ana equipment. Indeed, the con­
tinuous rise in educational costs works in the opposite direction.
These signs point to intolerable congestion and serious deterioration
of educational standards.
The facts on the rising population of college age are well known.
The number of young people of ages 18 to 21, about 8,700,000 in 1957,
will reach about 14 million by 1970 or a little after. This will be an
increase in numbers of about 61 percent. But the ratio of college
enrollments to numbers in the population of college age has also
increased steadily and persistently, as shown by the figures in table 2.
T a b l e 2. — College enrollments as a percent of persons of ages 18 to 21

Academic y ea r:

P ercen t

1 9 0 9 -1 0 _________________________ 4. 8
8 .1
1 9 1 9 -2 0 ________________________
1 9 2 9 -3 0 ________________________ 12. 2

Academic year—Continued
P ercen t
1939-40____________________ 15.3
1949-50____________________ 30.2
1953-54____________________ 29. 6

S ource: See technical notes.

Most observers expect that the long-term upward trend in the per­
centage attending will continue to rise. Indeed, this must happen if
we are to have continued economic growth. In our judgment, the
number of young people willing and able to attend college in 1970
will be 40 percent of all those 18 to 21 years of age. This estimate is
lower than many other projections. Our conservatism is based on
the opinion that as the proportion of young people attending college
increases, further increases will become more difficult because there will
be progressively fewer persons out of college who are capable of doing
! Since the Norman conquest, the English vocabulary Is said to have increased from
100,000 to 1 million words, much of the increase having occurred in the past century.



college work, interested in college, and financially able to attend.
Moreover, we believe that the recent great expansion of college enroll­
ment has been due in part to special factors whose effect has been
largely spent, namely, the G I bill and the unprecedented prosperity
of the past 15 years.
Forty percent of the estimated 14 million in the 18 to 21 age group
gives a projected total college enrollment in 1970 of about 5,600,000
students. This compares with the present enrollment in 1957-58 of
about 3 million.
The financial requirements will also be affected by changing costs.
Our analysis of the prospective cost per student is based upon two
assumptions: (1) that the general level of prices remains constant at
the 1957 level and (2) th at the average quality of higher education
offered is to remain at the 1957 level.
There are several persistent forces tending to raise the cost per
student in higher education.
First, in the country as a whole (even with stable prices) wages and
salaries tend to rise by 2 to 3 percent per year reflecting improvements
in productivity per worker. I f colleges and universities are to com­
pete with the rest of the economy for faculty and staff, they also must
raise their salaries and wages correspondingly. Moreover, because
faculty salaries have been allowed to fall behind other salaries, and
in view of the coming keen demand for teachers, faculty salaries must
increase by much more than 2 or 3 percent a year during the next
Second, with the growth of knowledge, especially in the sciences, the
cost of educational equipment has been rising rapidly and will con­
tinue to rise. Electronic computers cost more than slide rules and
cyclotrons more than test tubes.
Third, the increasing standards of living for the population as a
whole are reflected in rising standards of campus living. Facilities
for student dining, housing, recreation, and parking are steadily be­
coming more expensive simply because young people have been taught
to demand facilities which were considered unnecessary by their p ar­
ents. While it is easy to say th a t standards should not rise, it is diffi­
cult for individual institutions to set themselves against a persistent
nationwide trend.
As against these forces leading to increasing costs, there may be pos­
sible economies. First, it is possible to use educational buildings and
equipment more intensively. Many institutions operate only for a
portion of the year, and use their facilities for only a fraction of each
schoolday. By changing the daily and annual rhythm of college life
it would be quite possible to use existing facilities more intensively.
Second, on most campuses, some facilities have capacity beyond present
enrollments and could be used more intensively even without changing
schedules. Third, the costs of housing and feeding of students could
be reduced if more students could live at home while attending col­
lege. Fourth, economies in the use of teachers m ight be achieved by
increasing the size of classes, substituting TV for live teaching, and
using more teacher aids.
But genuine economies must be distinguished from spurious ones.
There are few so-called economies that can be achieved without lower­
ing educational quality. Every college has, of course, the obligation
to step up its efficiency, but not at the expense of quality. The ex­



cellence of American higher education is not now good enough, and
it should be better to meet the requirements of our society in the
years that lie ahead.
. . . .
I t is easy for bystanders to point to apparent inefficiencies in higher
education. These inefficiencies seem so obvious. But the job of edu­
cational institutions is not merely to train technicians. I t is to create
an environment favorable to the best development of young human
beings. The rhythms of college life, the give and take of classroom
discussion, the unhurried atmosphere of a campus, the break with
home ties, the concern for architectural beauty, and the social and
extracurricular activities are all significant parts of college experi­
ence. To apply to colleges the attitudes toward efficiency th at are
appropriate to a feed lot or an assembly line would in fact be inefficient
in relation to the long-run goals of education. We reject the idea
that our colleges are operating wastefully or that they have adopted
a level of luxury th at the Nation cannot afford.
In our considered opinion, costs cannot be reduced substantially
except at the expense of quality. We believe that the capital require­
ments and operating costs per student involved in maintaining the
present average quality of higher education will be higher in the
future than at present, even assuming that the general level of prices
remains constant. This judgment is reinforced by past experience.
The operating expenditures per student of all institutions of higher
education have increased steadily since 1929, as indicated by the
figures in table 3.
T a b l e 3.— Educational and general expenditures per student by all United States

institutions of higher education
Y ear

1929-30.......... ......................................................................................
1939-40___ ________ _____________ _____ _________________________________

In current

In constant

Source: See technical notes.

We have estimated the financial needs of higher education up to
1970 assuming no increase in operating costs and capital requirements
per student. We have based these calculations on the year 1958-54
which is the latest one for which complete data are available.
Educational and general expenditures in 1953-54 were $910 per
student. Assuming the same unit cost in 1970, when the estimated
enrollment will be 5,600,000 students, total annual educational and
general expenditures would be above $5.1 billion.
We estimate the replacement value of the physical plant and equip­
ment of our colleges and universities in 1953-54 at $19.2 billion or
$7,650 per student. A t this rate, to accommodate 5,600,000 students
in 1970, we shall need altogether about $43.1 billion worth of plant
and equipment. To build up to this level will require average capital
expenditure of about $1.5 billion per year.
The endowments of our colleges and universities in 1953-54 totaled
$3.3 billion at book value. A t market value, they were worth at
least $5 billion. I f endowments are to occupy the same relative



position in educational finance in 1970 as they have in the past, they
must grow to more than $9 billion. This would require additions
to endowments over the period to 1970 of about $250 million a year.
If endowments do not grow to this extent, student tuitions in private
institutions must necessarily become relatively larger with the result
that the public institutions will be called upon to bear a larger share
of the total educational load.
T a b l e 4. — Financial requirements for higher education





1 5,100




* Projected.
* Average requirement for 1954-70 period. See text.
Source: See technical notes.

The prospective financial requirements for all higher education are
summarized in table 4. It presents a comparison of expenditures and
additions to endowment in 1953-54 and 1957-58 as compared with the
amount needed in 1970-71. As the figures show, the total needed in
1970-71 will be nearly twice that actually available in 1957-58. But
the 1970-71 estimate is undoubtedly understated because it is based
upon the assumption that cost per student will be the same as in
1953-54. We believe it likely that costs will rise, and we are strongly
of the conviction that they ought to rise if the quality of higher educa­
tion is to advance as it should. We would judge that expenditures
should be considerably more than doubled over the next 13 years.
In this respect we are in agreement with President Eisenhower’s Com­
mittee on Education Beyond the High School which suggests that
expenditures should be nearly trebled by 1970.3
As higher education is now organized, the required funds must
come primarily from State and municipal governments and from
private philanthropy. The present financial position of our States
and municipalities suggests that the support from them is likely to
be inadequate, or at best, uneven. Private institutions are striving
feverishly to make ends meet even at present enrollments and it is
difficult to see how they can get much more money from their tradi­
tional sources. Even the recent welcome support by business corpora­
tions is not likely to solve the problem. The choice to be faced by
many private colleges is either to limit enrollment or to allow quality
to deteriorate. Few will wish to choose to lower quality and many
will choose to limit numbers. As a result, students will be shunted to
public institutions, and States and municipalities will be forced to
bear a greatly increased share of the financial load. I f they are unable
to do so, the quality of their educational offering will deteriorate.

ig h e h


d u c a t io n a n d t h e


a t io n a l


n terest

Higher education is the source of our political and industrial leader­
ship, it is the center from which the great new ideas in sciences and
* Second B eport to the President, p. 4.



arts emanate, and it is the place where our technical personnel are
trained. We are so closely dependent upon higher education for the
future growth and development of our country, both culturally and
economically, that the advancement of our colleges and universities
is a matter of the greatest national urgency. W ithout a vigorous and
growing system of higher education, our military strength would
decline, our national policies would become narrow and shortsighted,
and our economy would atrophy. As President Eisenhower’s Com­
mittee on Education beyond the High School so clearly stated, higher
education is a m atter of grave national concern, a matter to be thought
about in national terms, a subject for national policies.
This by no means implies, however, that higher education should
become the exclusive province of the Federal Government, or th at it
should be subjected to control by the Federal Government.
The obvious source of revenue to meet the problem is the Federal
Government. I t is in the best position to raise the new money re­
quired for higher education. But Federal support presents this
dilemma: How can higher education be financed by the Federal Gov­
ernment without imposing centralized Federal control and without
threatening the traditional autonomy, diversity, and freedom of
higher education ? To understand this dilemma clearly we must con­
sider the nature of our educational system and the way it has
To meet our needs in higher education we have a diverse system
consisting of about 1,800 college;?, universities, technical schools, art
institutes, music conservatories, teachers colleges, and junior colleges.
Some are operated by States or municipalities, and some are private.
Of the private colleges some are related to churches in various ways
and some have no church affiliation. These institutions are financed
from public appropriations, from church appropriations, from
philanthropic gifts and from students’ fees. These many institutions
vary greatly in objectives, in standards, in the abilities of the students
they attract, in tradition, and in prestige.
Such a diversity is the natural outcome of a free system of education
under which anyone, or any group, can establish a college. Under
such a free system some colossal sins have been, and are, committed in
the name of higher education. But in general this diversity has had
the virtue of giving freedom of expression to all educational ideals
and theories, of providing facilities for all areas and all cultural
levels, and of encouraging experimentation.
In a sense, we have adapted to higher education the principles of free
private enterprise. The great majority of our colleges and universi­
ties—whether under private, State, or municipal control—possess sub­
stantial autonomy. They are mostly controlled by boards of trustees
whose functions are analogous to those of boards of directors in busi­
ness corporations. Colleges and universities operate according to
their traditional objective, which is to promote education and growth
of knowledge in an atmosphere of freedom of thought; business cor­
porations operate according to their traditional objective which is to
make profit. Colleges and universities compete with each other for
students, faculty, and for financial support. Similarly corporations
compete for workers, materials, and markets. Each college and uni­
versity is impelled to improve its teaching and research and to in­
crease its public acceptance; each business must improve its product



and gain good will. The successful innovations of any one college or
university must be quickly adopted by others if they are not to fall
behind in the competitive race; similarly, new ideas in business must
be taken up by individual companies if they expect to remain solvent.
In short, the incentives and pressures that make for productivity
and economic progress in private business are also working for educa­
tional excellence and greater public service in higher education. I f
we were to organize our colleges and universities into a national sys­
tem with Federal finance and control, we would risk losing the experi­
mental attitude, the competitive spirit, and the drive to succeed that
now vitalizes higher education.
An advantage of our diverse free-enterprise system of higher edu­
cation, even more im portant than its educational vitality, is th a t it is
a bulwark of our essential freedom. Colleges and universities are the
citadels of free speech and thought. Research and inquiry, so im­
portant to national economic development, can prosper only in an
atmosphere of freedom in which men decide for themselves what is
worthy of inquiry, carry out their investigations in their own ways,
and are free to publish and teach the results. Also, learning of stu­
dents can flourish only in a free environment without controls and
taboos. The spirit of higher education in a democracy is related to
the search for the tru th regardless of the vested interests or govern­
mental programs th at may be affected thereby. So long as there is
free enterprise and reasonable autonomy in colleges and universities,
so long as these institutions receive their support from a variety of
sources, they can be free. Extension of centralized bureaucratic con­
trol over them would jeopardize the freedom essential to effective in­
quiry and teaching and would endanger both our basic civil liberties
and our economic advancement.
The impending crisis in higher education arises precisely because
education is a m atter of vital national interest and concern yet at the
same time is an activity that cannot wisely be placed under Federal
jurisdiction and responsibility. The problem is prim arily financial.
The funds could be most readily raised by Federal Government, yet
we dare not solve the problem by making our colleges and universities
dependent upon central authority.
S ome P r in c ip le s

We are strongly committed to our present free system of higher edu­
cation and we oppose centralized control over it. The national im­
portance of higher education and the magnitude of the financial prob­
lem are such, however, th at realistically Federal help may be needed.
Our point is that there are various ways of giving Federal aid, of
which some are likely to involve greater control than others. We be­
lieve that if and when the time comes to increase such aid, careful at­
tention should be given to selecting those forms of aid th at will not
undermine the autonomy and freedom of our colleges and universities.
In proportion as institutions become dependent upon the Federal
Treasury for their annual operating funds, they lose their autonomy.
In proportion, as aid is administered directly by Federal bureaus, they
lose their independence. In proportion, as the conditions of receiving
aid are specific and detailed, they lose their freedom. The problem is
to select those objects and adopt those procedures th a t will give finan­
cial help without smothering institutional independence.



Among possible programs that would seem to meet the requirement
a re : Federal scholarships on the plan of the successful National Merit
Scholarship program, employment at Federal expense of needy stu­
dents in the services of their colleges or universities as recommended
by the President’s committee, long-term Federal loans for student
dormitories and dining facilities, and grants for the construction of
academic facilities to accommodate increasing enrollments. We do
not necessarily advocate these proposals, but cite them as examples
of Federal aid that would result in little or no infringement of insti­
tutional independence or freedom.
In general, we believe that the following principles would provide
a useful guide if and when Federal aid to higher education is increased.
The intent of these principles is to keep the relationships between the
Federal Government and the colleges and universities at arm’s length.
1. Federal assistance should not be granted directly to colleges
and universities and their students, but should be granted through
intermediaries. Nonprofit corporations controlled by boards of
trustees composed of distinguished citizens and educators could
serve usefully as intermediaries. The corporations should have
considerable discretionary power within the framework of gen­
eral policy laid down by Congress. The National Science Foun­
dation or the National Merit Scholarship organization may be
prototypes of this kind of corporation.
2. In programs of assistance to higher education, no distinction
should be made between State, municipal, and private institutions,
but all three classes of institutions should be eligible under identi­
cal conditions. W ith this policy, the influence of the Federal
Government would be neutral in its effect on the relative growth
of the three types of institutions.
3. The Federal Government, in apportioning aid, should not
discriminate among academic fields. Except in emergencies, it
should not single out particular fields such as science or engineer­
ing or agriculture, but should leave to the free choice of institu­
tions and students the fields they wish to teach and study. The
free market is vastly superior to Government bureaus in allocat­
ing our manpower to various occupations. Moreover, any plan
to subsidize certain fields would almost surely lead to political
pressure for support of particular fields and would put all non­
technical and nonvocational fields at a serious disadvantage.
4. Loans and grants should be available to bona fide new
institutions as well as to established ones.
5. The amount of loans and grants should be based on bare
minimal standards of cost, allowing each institution to raise funds
needed for exceeding minimal standards. Private philanthropy
and State funds should finance the expenditures above the bare
minimum. Institutions should still be encouraged to vie with
one another for quality and excellence.
6. The grants should carry a minimum of conditions regarding
the internal operations of the institutional recipients.

o n c l u s io n

I t is of the utmost importance to the Nation’s economic development
that higher education grow and improve. Yet the United States faces



an acute crisis in higher education. Unless immediate and drastic
action is taken, our magnificent system of higher education will de­
teriorate through inadequate support in the face of numbers. In the
national interest this must not be allowed to happen. We are opposed
to centralized control over our colleges and universities, and for th at
reason we are reluctant to suggest greater Federal aid to higher educa­
tion. But the dangers to our economy and our country are infinitely
greater if higher education stagnates through neglect than if the
Federal Government contributes financially through mechanisms in­
volving arm ’s-length relationships with the colleges and universities.
This country can well afford a better system of higher education.
Our present expenditures for this purpose are a mere three-fourths
of 1 percent of the gross national product. The contribution of higher
education to the lives and welfare of our people as well as to the
economic growth of our Nation demands th at we not fail to support it
in its coming hour of great need. The long-run effect of what we do
may be decisive not only for the rate of our economic growth, but also
for our military security. The most rewarding investment th at we can
make is to cultivate the talents of our people.

e c h n ic a l


o tes

Data for table 1 and related text discussion are from the Statistical
Abstract for 1957, tables 130 and 258, and from the United States
Department of Commerce, Historical Statistics, series D77-89.
Data for college-age population and college enrollment for table 2
are from United States Office of Education, Biennial Survey of E du­
cation in the United States, 1952-54, chapter 1, table 33. Projected
college-age population through 1970 from Ronald B. Thomson, Col­
lege-Age Population Trends, was spliced to the Biennial Survey, col­
lege-age population, benchmark series, to obtain the projected collegeage population used here. This projected college-age population
series was used to project college enrollments, assuming the propor­
tion of college age who would attend to rise to 35 percent in 1960 and
40 percent in 1970. The 1957-58 estimated enrollment figure of 3 mil­
lion mentioned in the text is the projected figure in this series.
Educational and general expenditure data are taken from the
Biennial Survey, 1952-54, chapter 4, section I I , table I I , and the above
enrollment data are used to compute the first column of table 3. The
Consumer Price Index (1955 Statistical Abstract, table 376) was used
as a deflator. Projected educational and general expenditures repre­
sent the 1953-54 expenditure per student applied to the projected
college enrollments.
The replacement value of the 1954 plant (Biennial Survey, 1952-54,
ch. 4, sec. I I , table I I ) was estimated as follows: Postwar plant ex­
penditures were estimated by interpolating the data in the Biennial
Survey, 1952-54, chapter 4, section II , table II . These were cumulated
to provide estimated postwar plant at cost. Its replacement value
was assumed to be 150 percent of the total, the percentage being based
on the Engineering News Record construction cost index. The re­
mainder of the 1954 plant was assumed to be prewar plant. This
figure was tripled to estimate its replacement value, the factor again
being based on the construction cost index.



The 1954 endowment figure is also from the Biennial Survey, 1952­
54, chapter 4, section II, able II. Its replacement value is arbitrary.
Table 4 data for 1953-54 are from the Biennial Survey, 1952-54,
chapter 4, section I I, table II. D ata for other years are from the
projected educational and general expenditures series and the text,
except for the 1957-58 plant and equipment expenditure figure which
is obtained from the President’s Committee on Education Beyond
the High School, Second Eeport to the President, page 81, and the
1957-58 endowment figure which is an extrapolation of the Biennial
Survey data.