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Robert E. Kuenne, assistant professor of economics, Princeton
I t is one of the indices of our lack of knowledge about the mech­
anism of economic growth th at every introduction of a new dimension
into our analysis raises new problems. A fter all, if we really knew
what made our little Johnny grow from babyhood to maturity, we
should be able to answer why brother Jimmy, brought up under
broadly similar conditions, differed in certain respects. To the extent
that we are still fumbling for hypotheses to account for the specifics
of Johnny, the introduction of Jimmy can be peculiarly disturbing to
our favorite theses.
This type of complication occurs when we remove the false homo­
geneity we confer upon the United States economy in studying its
economic growth and turn to an explanation of differential growth
within the whole. As replacements for all of the aggregative eco­
nomic, sociological, psychological, and political imponderables form­
ing both motive power and constraints in an analysis of the Nation’s
growth processes, the inclusion of space introduces immediately the
need to explain differential growth within a society of somewhat less
than perfect spatial homogeneity.
There exists a temptation for the regional economist to adopt what
might be termed a “Ptolemaic” approach to these problems. This
school of astronomers, in pre-Copermcan days, devised a grand theory
of the movement of heavenly bodies which it struggled to retain in
the face of the theory’s inability to predict the position of specific
planets at specific times. To explain the deviant behavior of these
bodies, the astronomers built into the grand theory a series of epicycles
which seemed to explain, ex post facto, a particular planet’s position.
I t may well be that the regional economist has adopted the vision
of the United States as a nation of phenomenal industrial growth,
fitted the pattern to its regional components, and constructed epicyclical theories to account for abnormal departures of backward areas.
I t may also be that, quite understandably, the policymaker has adopted
the grander vision as a regional norm, measured departures from
it with a ruler calibrated in units of abnormal, and designed measures
to correct such pathological lapses at the expense of more valid policy
This paper will deal with certain aspects of these problems in its
presentation of a rather pessimistic outlook upon the role of feasible
fiscal policy in regional economic development. I t will ignore the
quite different problems of natural-resource development programs by
the Federal Government. The writer wishes to stress, however, his
realization th at these viewpoints are more intuitive than scientific,
given the vastness of the processes and the crudity of analytical tools.



They must be labeled, therefore, quite frankly at the outset, as one
economist’s professional prejudices.

e g io n a l

G row th D

if f e r e n t ia l s

Among the myriad factors determining the economic growth rate,
economists have fastened upon three of great importance. These are
(1) the rate of capital formation, (2) the resource base of a region,
and (3) the strength of and status afforded to the entrepreneurial class
in a society. To concentrate upon these predominantly economic ele­
ments in the growth process is not, of course, to ignore or under­
estimate the role of factors more political, sociological, or ideological
in nature: Our analysis must be recognized as of partial value only
in the broad topic under discussion.
Let us assume boldly, for purposes of gaining some insight into
growth, that the political, sociological, and cultural conditioning of
individuals in the United States is similar in all areas in all respects
that might affect economic grow th; or, more realistically, that existing
differences do not constitute important sources of differential growth
experience in the various regions. Obviously, the assumption is not
realistic—indeed, to the extent that we recognize feedbacks from the
economic experience of a region to its political, sociological, and cul­
tural outlooks, the position is untenable. However, it may well be true
that differences in these attitudes that affect economic growth autono­
mously are lessening as our communications revolutions continue.
For purposes of analysis, then, we shall hold these factors constant
at some identical level for all regions, thereby assuming away spatial
barriers to the formation of a genuinely national ideology, and focus
attention upon differential rates of capital formation, resource en­
dowments, and availabilities of entrepreneurial talent to explain re­
gional experience in the levels of per capita income attained and the
rates of its growth.
To ascribe such differences to these sources implies all or part of
the following:
1. The existence of immobilities within the national expanse
which prevent effectively the attainment of an equal endowment
of resources and entrepreneurial talent spatially; and/or,
2. The existence of indivisibilities in the production processes
which militate against an evening out of production spatially;
3. In the absence of immobilities and indivisibilities of the type
discussed in (1) and (2) above, new investment would tend to be
spread evenly over regions, and differential rates of capital for­
mation would tend to reflect the condition discussed in (4) below,
unless immobilities exist in the movement of capital between
4. To the extent that the growth process implies rates of growth
that vary with stages of development—in a sense, with the exist­
ence of dynamic indivisibilities—differential regional growth
rates may reflect differences in economic maturity.
To some extent, at any period of time in which we consider the
differential levels of income between regions or its rate of growth for
regions, the fourth type of factor must be borne in mind. That is,
even if all factors were perfectly mobile in space, and each production
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process were subject indefinitely to constant costs, it is quite possible
that an early start would lead to very real advantages in costs. I t is
in the establishment of these types of economies within a nation that
government policy has concerned itself with the protection of infant
industries. Its application to regional economies raises some difficult
policy questions.
For example, let us hypothesize that New England’s early develop­
ment of a merchant class, the successful mutation of th at class into
an industrial-merchant entrepreneurial stratum at the beginning of
the Republic, and the acquisition and immobile nature of capital in
this early period gave that region an initial impetus in textile manu­
facturing which, from the earliest times, overrode the penalties of
distance from markets and raw materials.1
Assume, further, that the economic development of the South had
reached a level such th at New England’s advantages could be elimi­
nated with some exercise of Federal Government pressure via its ordi­
nary spending program. Should the National Government violate
its economic criteria by purchasing in a more expensive market to
attain the objective of raising the South’s ability to compete at the
price of accelerating the decline of New England? W hat calculus
does the policymaker of a common, im partial government adopt to
measure the losses of New England against the gains of the South?
In this simplest of cases, the economic criterion seems quite clear:
I f the discounted value of prospective savings on the cheaper southern
cloth exceeds the present value of the loss through purchase in the
more expensive market, the policy should be adopted. B ut the more
important questions are left unanswered: they become even more
complicated when direct investment in regional development requires
some benefit-cost calculation.
In our simple, but useful, model, however, these type 4 indivisi­
bilities afford an economic basis for action, although the more difficult
assignment of priorities must be made on other grounds. I t seems to
the present writer that the use of fiscal policy to overcome regional
differences springing from immobilities and indivisibilities of the
other sorts is less defensible if these are inherent economic character­
istics of production processes as they exist in a period of time.
T hat type of friction leading to factor and goods immobility which
is most germane to a discussion of regional development springs from
the requirement that scarce resources be consumed in the movement
of goods through space. A balance between the costs consequent upon
overcoming these frictions and the savings often springing from the
indivisible nature of certain production processes is struck so that
economic criteria would lead to the location of production in region
A rather than region B. To the extent that such decisions yield mini­
mum cost solutions, it is difficult to see how the attem pt of Govern­
ment policy to locate a plant in region B can be justified on the
1 A lm ost from the beginning of yarn spinning in New England, interior m arkets in the
young W est were im portant to the cotton-textile industry ; indeed, the substitution of these
markets for foreign m arkets w ith the im position of the Embargo and Nonintercourse A cts
wacs one of the more im portant economic developm ents for the region. From the view point
of access to these markets, New England was at a disadvantage compared w ith N ew York,
Philadelphia, and Baltimore. Although she w as peculiarly well-endowed w ith waterpower,
the existence o f a fall line along the A tlantic Coastal P lain was sufficient guaranty that
she had no unique advantage in th is respect. Besides, steam became com petitive w ith
waterpower about 1870, and New E ngland’s in itia l advantage in th is regard became



grounds of an epicyclical explanation that the latter region lags behinds either the Nation as a whole or region A in particular. Such
decisions must be made upon the basis of noneconomic criteria. To
the extent that they involve the establishment of production processes
which could not exist in the absence of such policy, their implemen­
tation involves the need for a continuing subsidy via Government fis­
cal policy and a misdirection of investment whose positive contribu­
tions in the light of other-than-economic criteria must outweigh these
costs. A classical case of this misdirection of the spatial economy is
given by the history of location of steel capacity in Duluth at the in­
stance of (State) governmental policy.2
But such cases are too clear cut to be realistic. Today, if we may
believe certain preliminary indications, regional tendencies exist which
seem to be a compound of several movements. F irst, an increasing
mobility of labor between regions seems to have been born of wartime
experience and a growing ease of communication. Capital, too, seems
to have shared in this increasing ease of movement. Second, the
differential positions on the scale of development as between regions
seem to be less far apart, so that the advantages of more maturity
seem less than in the prewar period. Third, the advantages of loca­
tions nearer to markets seem to be increasing relative to those obtained
from the indivisibilities of production in large scale, from location
near associated industries, or from location near raw materials. These
movements seem to be giving a greater choice to the firm in its loca­
tional alternatives, allowing noneconomic considerations to play a
greater role in the decision by exacting a smaller penalty for non­
optimum location, or giving several optimal solutions.
The true strength o f these tendencies has yet to be assessed. It is
possible, for example, that the South experienced an inrush o f plants
oriented toward its grow ing markets after the war and will not attract
much in the way o f national production facilities. F or example, most
o f the 11-State Southeast region’s relative growth in per capita
income seems to have occurred between 1932-34 and 1940-45. From
1945 to 1953 the area shared the national growth experience (a 44.7percent growth in per capita income compared with 43.5 percent for
the N ation).3 A study o f the applications for certificates o f necessity
during the Korean war by several Standard Industrial Classification
Code four-digit metal fabricating industries reveals that the propor­
tion o f the total value o f proposed facilities in the States o f Mas­
sachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illi­
nois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Missouri, and California was exactly equal
to the proportion o f wage earners in manufacturing in these States
in 1939 (about 90 percent).4 These evidences are fragmentary and
substantial studies must be undertaken before we can conclude that
American industry is dispersing toward markets and/or away from
2 L. W hite and G. Primmer, The Iron and Steel Industry of D u lu th : A Study in Loca­
tional M aladjustment, Geographical Review, XXVII (1937), pp. 82-91.
3 See B. U. Ratchford in his comment on H. S. Perloff’s paper in Conference on Research
in Income and W ealth, Regional Income, Princeton, 1957, pp. 66-68. Ratchford uses this
m aterial to illu strate the im portance of a base period in m easuring a region's relative
growth, and concludes : “* * * There is a tendency to allow the spectacular results of the
war period to overshadow the more recent and perhaps more significant results of the post­
war period. One must not only choose the base year with care but must also be alert for
changes in trends, especially when a strong movement develops rapidly in a disturbed
period, such as during a war or a severe depression” (p. 68).
4 Robert E. Kuenne, Recent Locational Tendencies in United States Manufacturing, un­



older centers because of an increasing foot-looseness born of the factors
discussed above.
W hether these movements are or are not afoot means a great deal,
it seems to the author, to the Government policymaker facing up to
the many dilemmas in this field. To the extent that immobilities
and indivisibilities are disappearing or changing in the manner sug­
gested above, the need for his action—given the adoption of greater
equality of regional per capita income and its rate of growth as
desirable—lessens at the same time that the opportunities for accom­
plishing the aims with least interference with economic efficiency in­
creases. To the extent that they are not, the need for government
action to achieve the end increases at the same time that the inter­
ferences with optimum economic allocation of resources is maximal.
A good deal more research than now exists should be done on these
basic movements through space of industry.
A last consideration of this paper is the often-urged use of govern­
ment means to induce a dispersion of industry on the basis of defense
policy. Enough experience has now accumulated to indicate that in­
dustry is reluctant to locate at nonoptimal cost points in the absence
of a goad involving a continuing subsidy or substantial tax relief.
From the viewpoint of economic criteria, it seems futile to expect our
economy to operate in a viable fashion after a nuclear attack upon its
major centers of production. Twenty-megaton thermonuclear bombs
can wreak annihilation upon a 32-square-mile area before considering
the effects of radiation. To expect a period of “broken backed” war
after such an attack seems unrealistic.
However, even were our production facilities dispersed to a high
degree at the cost of violating economic criteria, one set of considera­
tions seems to negate the supposed reduction in our vulnerability: our
transportation system is organized about a series of nodal points
whose elimination is impossible. To the extent th at production facili­
ties were dispersed into regions whose communications were not meant
to be used to the extent demanded, our productive mechanism would be
subject to frequent breakdowns. Moreover, in the event of nuclear
attack, destruction of the nodal points on our transport network would
leave us as helpless as would destruction of the facilities themselves.
Paying the price economically for a dispersion sufficiently great to
offer some prospect of having production facilities survive thermo­
nuclear attack would be too great, given the continuing and even en­
hanced vulnerability of a concentrated and overstrained transporta­
tion nexus.

umm ary

This short paper has refrained from discussing the regional develop­
ment aspects of Federal expenditures for large-scale resource develop­
ment in favor of remaining in the less ambitious policy realms con­
cerned with year-to-year budgetary expenditures for Government
needs. In such programs, other criteria than regional economic
growth will be dominating, but the latter consideration may enter into
the decisionmaking in a more-than-marginal manner. Such deci­
sions may cumulate into substantial aid or disadvantage to one region
or another. Under what conditions should other criteria be ignored
to take action furthering one region’s economy at the expense of
another’s ?



The purpose of this paper is not, of course, to present a list of priori­
ties for noneconomic goals which would take precedence over those we
might call the economic criteria proper. Rather, we have chosen to
find a simple mechanism giving insights into the existence of differ­
entials between regions and to judge the feasibility of action by ordi­
nary budget policy to overcome the barriers to regional equality. Our
model has assumed a common ideology between regions, and focused
upon economic immobilities and indivisibilities, of a static and dy­
namic character, tending to dictate economic inequality between
On the whole, government policy seems best justified when it is
shaped to boost a region whose disadvantage in a certain production
is ascribable solely to a less mature stage of development, when that
region can achieve a lower cost than presently obtained from a cur­
rently producing region. I t is in this field of helping to overcome such
dynamic indivisibilities of production that our most unambiguous case
can be discerned.
On the other hand, the use of expenditures to overrule the spatial
pattern of production when it is a reflection of inherent immobilities
and indivisibilities of production processes is much more difficult to
defend. To the extent that greater regional equality is desired at the
expense of a continuing subsidy to the industries involved or a more
rational allocation of investment in the economic sense, the costs should
be so reckoned. These costs, however, may be cheapening if certain
movements in industrial location are present.
Lastly, it is difficult to accept the argument of dispersion of industry
for defense against thermonuclear attack, given our basic inability to
disperse transportation facilities as well.