Statistical Abstract of the United States
A comprehensive annual summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. Sources of data include the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and many other Federal agencies and private organizations.
- 1880s
- 1880, Third Number
- 1881, Fourth Number
- 1882, Fifth Number
- 1883, Sixth Number
- 1885, Seventh and Eighth Numbers
- 1886, Ninth Number
- 1887, Tenth Number
- 1888, Eleventh Number
- 1889, Twelfth Number
- 1890s
- 1890, Thirteenth Number
- 1891, Fourteenth Number
- 1892, Fifteenth Number
- 1893, Sixteenth Number
- 1894, Seventeenth Number
- 1895, Eighteenth Number
- 1896, Nineteenth Number
- 1897, Twentieth Number
- 1898, Twenty-First Number
- 1899, Twenty-Second Number
- 1900s
- 1910s
- 1920s
- 1930s
- 1940s
- 1950s
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Chronological designation changed from year of coverage to year of publication in 1928: 49th no. (1926) followed by 50th no. (1928). From title page of 1928 issue: "Commencing with this issue, the Statistical Abstract will be designated by the year in which it is published. Consequently there was no issue bearing date 1927."
- Historical Statistics of the United States : Colonial Times to 1970
- Statistical Atlas of the United States : Based on the Results of the Ninth Census 1870
- sudocs: C 3.134:
- sudocs: C 56.243:
- oclc: 1193890
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United States. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce and United States. Bureau of the Census. Statistical Abstract of the United States. 1878-1950., accessed on March 3, 2025.